Future Generali Life Insurance
Future Generali Life Insurance Premium Calculator

Future Generali Life Insurance Premium Calculator

Future Generali India Life Insurance Premium Calculator is quite an effective online tool using which you can calculate the premium of your insurance plan prior to purchasing the actual policy. There are various factors like your age, income, type of policy, etc. which affect the premium amount of a life insurance plan. Using the Future Generali India Life Insurance Premium calculator available is the easiest way to determine the premium.

Read on to know about the benefits and types of Future Generali Premium Calculator.

Benefits of Using the Future Generali India Premium Calculator

Here is the list of the benefits of using the Future Generali India premium calculator.

1. Instant Premium Calculation:

Gone are the days when we used to go to the office of our insurance company to know the premium that we need to pay for different policies. But with the advent of technology, you can now easily calculate your premium in a few seconds Thanks to Future Generali India. All you need to do is simply visit the official website of the company, you may get the payable premium amount using a premium calculator.

2. Benefit of Customization:

One of the biggest benefits of choosing Future Generali Premium Calculator is that it can easily allow you to calculate the premium of a life insurance plan as per your particular needs. You will have the flexibility to change the policy tenure, policy amount, type of policy, and more.

3. Easy and Free Tool:

You heard it right! When you use the calculator, you don’t have to pay anything to know the payable premium amount. It could be said that it is not only easy to operate but is completely free of cost.

Types of Calculators Offered by Future Generali

  1. Future Generali Term Insurance Calculator
  1. Future Generali Unit Linked Insurance Calculator
  1. Future Generali Health Insurance Calculator
  1. Future Generali Child Insurance Calculator
  1. Future Generali Retirement Calculator
  1. Future Generali Saving/Investment Calculator

If you are looking to calculate premiums for different types of plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance, here are the steps you need to follow.

Step 1: Go to the official website of Future Generali life insurance.

Step 2: On the home page, you will see different options on the top. Hover over the “Calculate Premium” option, you will see a range of plans.

Step 3: Go to the plan you wish to buy. You will see the “Calculate” option beneath each plan offered by the company.

Step 4: After that, you will need to enter your details like your name, date of birth, policy term, premium paying term, premium frequency, lumpsum, and other information of the policy you wish to buy.

Step 5: Once you are done filling in all the details, you will need to click on “Calculate”.

Step 6: You will see the premium amount you need to pay every year (till the term of the policy) for your policy type.

Future Generali Life Insurance Premium Illustration

Let’s take an instance to understand!

A man, named Rahul Tyagi (30 years old), works in an MNC as a software engineer looking to buy a term plan, “Future Generali Care Plus” plan to safeguard the financial future of his family.

Let’s see how much premium he needs to pay under different circumstances.

AgeSmokerSum AssuredPremium payment typePolicy termPremium paying termpremium frequencypayout typePayout termPremium
30NoRs. 50,00,000Limited155AnnuallyLumpsum Rs. 24,725 annually (Including GST)
40YesRs. 100,00,000Regular2525Half-YearlyFixed Income60 Months

Rs. 37,106 annually

(Including GST)