Indiafirst Life Insurance
IndiaFirst Life Insurance Claim Settlement Process

IndiaFirst Life Insurance Claim Settlement

IndiaFirst Life Insurance features a streamlined claims process that makes it simple for claimants and nominees to register and follow the status of their claims. The company has an individual Claim Settlement ratio of 96.81% for FY 2020-21. The company also guarantees 100% genuine claim settlement and takes pride in resolving all valid claims in a single working day if all the documents are in order.

Online Claim Settlement Process Of IndiaFirst Life Insurance

The three-step procedure for settling claims with IndiaFirst Life Insurance is outlined below in simple terms:

Claim Registration:

The nominee/claimant registers the claim online by going to the IndiaFirst Life Insurance claim registration webpage. To complete the registration process, you must enter the policy number, your birthdate, the kind of claim, and the date of death. You also need to email the required documents to the company.

Claim Evaluation:

IndiaFirst Life Insurance evaluates the supporting documentation to verify the accuracy of the submission. If more information is required, the company may request the same. The company will then share an acknowledgment number, which the insured can use to track the claim online.

Claim Settlement:

If the claim does not require further investigation and all the necessary paperwork is in place, the company processes and settles the claim within 15 days. Information is communicated by IndiaFirst Life Insurance via email or SMS.

Offline Claim Settlement Process of IndiaFirst Life Insurance

To register the claim, the nominee may go to the nearest IndiaFirst Life Insurance office, Bank of Baroda, or Union Bank of India branch with all the necessary hard copies and soft copies of the supporting documentation. Moreover, calling IndiaFirst Life Insurance at the toll-free number 1800-209-8700 will connect the nominee or claimant with a representative who will walk them through the claim registration process. Within 15 days of receiving the documents, the company reviews them carefully and makes a determination regarding the claim.

Documents Required During The Claim Process Of IndiaFirst Life Insurance

Here are the lists of documents required during the claim process!

For Individual Life Claims:

  • Duly filled and signed claim intimation form
  • Original policy documents
  • Copy of address and ID proof of the nominee
  • Original death certificate or attested copy of death certificate
  • Copies of age and ID proof of the life insured
  • Copies of the post-mortem report, FIR, panchnama (in case of accidental deaths, suicide, murder, etc.)
  • Copy of hospitalization documents (in case the member was treated for an illness that caused death)
  • Copy of bank passbook with a canceled cheque of nominee’s personal account.

For Maturity Claims:

  • Duly filled & signed claim intimation form
  • Original copy of policy document
  • NRI declaration (for NRI)
  • Copy of pan card of the insured
  • Canceled cheque (including the account number, name, and copy of the bank passbook of the policyholder.

How Can You Register A Claim With The Company?

You can register a claim with IndiaFirst Life Insurance by the following means:


You can register your claim by visiting the official website of the company. Click on “Customer Services” and then press “Register A Claim”. Enter all the necessary information and click on “Continue”.


You can also call the company at 1800 209 8700 and the company’s customer care representative will assist you throughout the claim registration process.


You can mail the company at along with the required documents for the claim registration process.

Nearest Branch:

Pay a visit to the nearest branch office along with all soft and hard copies of all the necessary documents. The company’s agents will guide you in the claim registration process.