No matter what kind of job you’re in, if you don’t have sufficient financial savings to maintain a good lifestyle, you might not be able to live comfortably. Remember that trying to purchase things and groceries may lead to financial struggles after retirement. Thus, to combat this issue, the Government of India introduced the Employee… Continue reading What is PPO? How to Check PPO Number?
Day: July 15, 2024
Life Insurance Premiums Increased! What Should Policyholders Do?
In a move to address issues such as inflation, and reinsurance costs, leading life insurers such as Max Life Insurance, Bajaj Allianz Life, and ICICI Prudential Life Insurance are going to increase term rates by two to 10 per cent, according to sources in the know of the development. Recently, Tata AIA Life Insurance and… Continue reading Life Insurance Premiums Increased! What Should Policyholders Do?