How To Get Health Cover For Your New Born Baby?

How To Get Health Cover For Your New Born Baby?

The news of the birth of a baby in your family, not only brings eminent joy but also doubles your responsibility as you need to take responsibility for his/her wellbeing also. To ease your tensions, the health insurance companies have come up with newborn baby covers or maternity covers to protect their health of them. Though, there are very few health insurance companies that give coverage to the newborn baby from day 1. However, once the baby turns 91 days old, you can add him/her under the family floater plan, and he/she can enjoy the benefits, facilities, and the sum insured of that health plan like the other insured members of the family.

If your health insurance plan has maternity cover as an inbuilt cover or add-on cover, you can go for that as well because it covers the expenses of the newborn, their medically necessary treatments, vaccinations, and more. Apart from these, the maternity benefit also covers the health expenses of the mother throughout the pregnancy.

Why Do You Need A Health Cover For Your Newborn Baby?

As the newborn child is fragile and prone to many health risks, it is very important to have health insurance cover for your baby. To know more about its advantages, have a look at the following mentions. 

For Extra Care – A newborn baby needs extra attention to keep him/her medically sound as they are prone to different health risks. This includes their regular medical check-ups, medical treatments, and regular vaccinations. A newborn baby cover can offer you all these securities and ensures that your baby remains protected, sound and healthy.

Financial Relief – The sky-rocketing medical expenses can really put a burden on your shoulder. When a baby is born, your monthly expenses increase and on top of that, if you need to pay for the medical expenses for your baby, that can really pose an economic burden for you. A newborn baby cover takes care of the expenses incurred due to the medical emergencies of your baby and offers you financial relief. 

Lower Premium – If you opt for a family floater health insurance policy of a higher sum insured that includes the newborn baby cover as an inbuilt cover or add-on cover, the insurer may give you some discounts on the premium paid towards the policy. And the higher sum insured policy often tends to have a lower premium rate depending on the terms and conditions of the policy.

Peace of Mind – Once you know that your baby is protected as he/she is covered under a health insurance plan, you can enjoy the birth of your baby without worrying about his/her health and finances.

What’s The Process To get health Coverage For Newborns?

After knowing the benefits of a newborn baby covered in a health insurance policy, you might be interested in availing of this invaluable cover. Now the question is how to get this along with your health plan. To know more about this, have a look at the following mentions. 

For Inbuilt Cover

Many of the health insurers offer this newborn baby cover or maternity over as an inbuilt cover under the comprehensive family floater health insurance policy. In that case, while purchasing the policy, you need to go through the policy wordings carefully to find out whether your selected insurer provides you with that cover. If yes, then you can purchase the plan directly. If not, you can look for an insurer, that offers this cover as the inclusion of the health insurance plan. 

Adding To Existing Plan

It’s just a myth that we can’t add a newborn baby to an existing health plan. Once a baby is born, parents have an option to safeguard their child under their existing policy. For that, you need to talk to your insurer and produce the required documents, such as the birth certificate of the child, the hospital admission bill, etc. Afterward, you’ll be tasked to pay the extra premium amount to cover your newborn under health cover.

Several Factors To Keep In Mind While Buying A Health Insurance Policy With New Born Baby Cover

While opting for the newborn baby cover, you need to keep in mind certain factors that may affect your health insurance policy and its premium. Here are the mentions of those, below.

Age of the Child – The children who are of the age 91 days or more, can be included under the family floater plan of their parents. This will cover the expenses of early vaccinations and post-natal care. However, some insurers offer this care from day 1. So, before opting for this benefit, you need to be thorough through the policy wordings.

Intimate The Insurer – You need to inform your insurer about the birth of your child prior to it. The benefit can either start to give coverage immediately after the birth of your child or when they get 90 days old. So, intimating the insurer is an important responsibility on your behalf.

Necessary Documentation – To facilitate the benefit, you need to submit the required documents to the company such as the birth certificate of the child, the discharge certificate from the hospital, etc.

Check The Premium – As nothing comes free of cost, you need to pay a little extra premium to avail of this new baby cover benefit. So, before opting for any policy with this cover, check and compare the premiums you need to pay towards your health insurance plan. Only then, go for the most suitable one.

Waiting Period – Often insurance companies employ a waiting period of fixed days, only after which your policy commences and you can avail of the benefits of it. So, it is always important to check for the waiting period for your newborn baby cover. This period may differ from one insurer to another. 

Terms and Conditions – It is a pivotal part of purchasing any insurance plan. you need to go through the terms and conditions of the policy, and its exclusions of it to get a comprehensive and clear idea about the policy so that you do not have to face any future complications.

Others – Usually the family floater policy offers coverage for the child only till the child reaches the age of 21 or 25 years. And for issuing the cashless card, a photo must be submitted to the TPA of the insurer. So, do remember these clauses as well.


After this prolonged and detailed discussion, it can be said that the newborn baby cover is a very much important cover that you need to have for securing your child’s health. This cover is a must-have for those people who are planning to start a family, are expecting parents, or already have minor dependent children. When it comes to the safety of your precious children, it would be advisable not to take any risk and go for this newborn baby cover.

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