Infertility Treatment: Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover It?

Infertility Treatment: Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover It?

No matter how long you have been married, when you hear the news of becoming a parent, the happiness comes out as tears. But if you are a couple struggling to become a parent, you easily understand how infertility can impact your overall well-being.

Did you know?

In India, there are 27.5 million infertile couples, with men affected by infertility 1.5 percentage points higher than women.

However, infertility therapies, including IVF, are not always inexpensive. Due to the costs, not everyone can afford the procedure without hesitation, frequently depriving couples of their happiness. IVF is expensive, and the more cycles required, the more expensive it is. As a result, a lot of infertility-affected couples look for health insurance coverage for the costs of infertility treatments.

What is Infertility & the Causes of Infertility?

After engaging in frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year, infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child. This medical problem can affect both males and women. Infertility comes in two forms: main and secondary. The former refers to a medical condition where the couple has been engaging in frequent, unprotected sex without success for a year, whereas the latter refers to a medical condition where the couple has been successful in becoming pregnant once but is unable to do so again. Given that women’s fertility reduces with age, it is also regarded as infertility in women 35 years of age and beyond if they are unable to conceive within 6 months of trying. Infertility can occur for a number of reasons. Talking about the potential causes of infertility, here are a few of the common ones.
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Infections
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Stress
  • Frequent use of emergency contraptions
  • Male or female reproductive conditions
  • Advancing age of women
  • Surgical abortion
  • Genetic reasons
  • Pollution

Treatments Covered Under Infertility Treatment Insurance

Some popular infertility treatments are covered under health insurance, and some may be offered as an add-on cover. Here is the list of the treatments that are covered under health insurance with infertility as an add-on cover.

  1. In Virto Fertilisation (IVF): To create an embryo, it entails collecting eggs from your ovaries and fusing them with your partner’s sperm in a lab dish. After that, the embryo is implanted in your uterus.
  1. IUI (Intrauterine Insemination): This procedure involves injecting sperm into your uterus as soon as you ovulate.
  1. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): This procedure includes putting one of your sperm into one of your eggs in a lab dish. After that, the embryo is implanted in your uterus.
  1. Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT): The procedure entails combining the sperm and eggs in a test tube before inserting them into the fallopian tubes.

Things To Consider for An Infertility Treatment Coverage

A few terms and conditions could be attached to an infertility treatment plan. As a result, it’s crucial to review the items below before purchasing health insurance for infertility treatment. Look at this:

  • Review the eligibility requirements to see who qualifies for the plan.
  • Verify which medical procedures are covered by the plan.
  • Verify the coverage’s sub-limits and scope.
  • Verify the infertility treatment waiting period because it can vary between insurers.
  • Verify the maximum number of claims you can submit under your policy.
  • Verify whether the plan also covers prescribed drugs.
  • Relativity (number of times one can avail IVF expenses on their health insurance plan).
  • Verify whether add-on coverage extends to further infertility treatment options.

Some insurance providers are providing health insurance plans that include infertility treatment costs as an add-on benefit or as a component of the base package in an effort to reduce the financial burden of treating infertility. Before acquiring the policy, compare various infertility treatment health insurance policies to ensure that you are getting the correct coverage and financial security.

Does a Health Insurance Plan Cover Infertility Treatment?

Well, the short answer to this question is- Yes!

Modern insurers are creating plans that either cover infertility treatment or provide it as an add-on benefit. Some plans combine maternity insurance with coverage for infertility treatment.

In current modern health insurance policies, the extent of the coverage for infertility may vary from insurance plan to insurance plan. Some might only pay for certain types of infertility treatments. Therefore, before purchasing one, it is best to review the provisions and exclusions as well as the level of infertility coverage.

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