Star Health Insurance: What Diseases It Covers?

Star Health Insurance: What Diseases It Covers?

Star Health Insurance is a popular Indian health insurer that provides a wide range of insurance plans to meet the mushrooming needs of its customers. Customers can use cashless services at the company’s more than 14,000 network hospitals. In addition, the company’s internal cash settlement team resolves more than 90% of cashless claims in less than 2 hours. Star Health insurance has a plan for you whether you want to acquire diabetes or cancer insurance policy.

Any unexpected urgent sickness diagnosis can cause you enough mental strain. Furthermore, treating such an illness without spending nearly all your savings on it becomes expensive. This is because you must undergo extensive treatment to recover from the sickness, which can be very costly. Thus, having a Star Health Insurance plan will help you get the financial support you need to get well without draining your bank account.

Importance of Star Health Insurance Plans

A devastating sickness diagnosis might leave you deeply in debt, putting your health at risk and your life’s savings in jeopardy. As a result, people understand how important health insurance is. The insurance from Star Health Insurance intends to offer much-needed insurance protection for a range of healthcare costs, such as in-patient hospitalisation costs, daycare costs, ambulance costs, pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization costs, and so on.

Children with autism are also covered by Star Health Insurance. Anyone’s finances can suffer from medical bills. Being financially and emotionally taxing to see your loved ones suffer from a major disease is what happens when a family member is hospitalised. The star health insurance coverage will come in handy at that moment, particularly when it comes to paying hospital expenses.

Top Health insurance Plans Offered by Star Health

Check out the top health plans from the Star Health Insurance Companies, which are perfect for family, individual, and critical illnesses:

  1. Star Comprehensive Insurance
  2. Star Health Family Optima Insurance
  3. Star Novel Coronavirus Insurance
  4. Star Senior Citizens Red Carpet
  5. Star Super Surplus Insurance
  6. Star Criticare Plus Insurance
  7. Star Cardiac Care Insurance
  8. Star Cancer Care Gold
  9. Star Medi Classic Insurance
  10. Star Diabetes Safe Insurance
  11. Star Criticare Plus Insurance etc.

List of Disease Covered by Star Health Insurance Company Health Policy

Here are the diseases covered by Star Health Insurance Company Policy.

  1. Cancer

Once more, this is an extremely lethal disease that causes aberrant and uncontrolled cell development throughout the body. Healthy body tissues are destroyed by these cells, and sick people suffer significant harm as a result. Under the Star Cancer Care Gold plan, you can receive coverage against a variety of cancers. This plan aids in covering any expenses that might be associated with multiple cancer treatments.

  1. COVID-19

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the infectious disease known as COVID-19, often known as the coronavirus sickness. The illness is highly contagious and can cause serious health issues like pneumonia, multiple organ failure, septic shock, or even death. To meet the needs of different COVID-19 patients, Star Health Insurance offers three individually tailored coronavirus health insurance policies.

  1. Diabetes

High blood sugar levels are a defining feature of the chronic lifestyle illness known as diabetes. Heart attack, stroke, renal failure, and heart failure are just a few of the other severe health issues that might develop as a result of the illness. The Star Diabetes Secure Insurance plan pays for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes-related hospitalisation expenses.

  1. Cardiac Diseases

These days, the prevalence of cardiovascular disorders is increasing at an alarming rate. As a result of faulty heart and blood vessel function, cardiac illnesses develop. Everyone should eat healthily and exercise frequently to ward off cardiac illnesses. Heart problems should be tested twice a year on anyone over the age of 40. Heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, excessive blood pressure, and other cardiac conditions are common.

  1. Cerebrovascular Stroke

Brain injury brought on by a disruption in the blood supply to the brain is referred to as a cerebrovascular stroke. The medical costs associated with a stroke are covered by the Star Criticare Plus Insurance policy and the Star Cardiac Care Insurance policy.

  1. Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Disorder

Mental illnesses including psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders make it difficult for a patient to go about their regular lives. Psychiatric and psychosomatic problems are covered by Star Medi Classic Insurance, which is offered by Star Health & Allied Insurance.

  1. Cataracts

If left untreated, a cataract, an eye condition, may result in blurred or lost eyesight. Seniors (those over 60) are more prone to developing cataracts than younger people. Yet cataracts are now also affecting persons who are younger (about 40 years old). Smoking, being overweight, having diabetes, abusing drugs, and more are some important causes of cataracts. After a certain time, most Star Health insurance policies cover cataracts (the waiting period).

  1. Irreversible Quadriplegia

The lifelong paralysis of a person’s entire body, including all four limbs, is known as irreversible quadriplegia. Spinal cord injuries are the main cause of it. The Star Criticare Plus Insurance covers the medical costs brought on by this condition.

  1. Chronic Kidney Disease

When the kidneys are unable to function normally, chronic kidney disease results. The costs associated with treating chronic renal disease will be covered if you have Star Health & Allied Insurance’s Criticare Policy.

  1. Autism Spectrum Disorder

A person’s verbal, nonverbal, and social interactions are affected by this brain development condition. The Star Special Care policy is the best option for kids with autism, according to research.

  1. Brain Tumour

Brain tumours may develop as a result of aberrant cell proliferation in the brain. Your entire course of brain tumour treatment is covered by the Star Criticare Plus insurance policy.

Benefits of Star Health Insurance Plans

Here are the potential advantages of Star Health insurance plans:

  1. Additional Benefit of Free Health Checkup

Free health examinations are a perk included in each of Star Health’s health insurance plans for covered individuals. This benefit enables people to monitor their health and make necessary improvements.

  1. Additional Protection over Employer Coverage

If your workplace has a group health insurance plan, you can choose one of Star Health’s individual health insurance plans to increase both the coverage features of your current plan and the amount insured. The company’s health insurance serves as an addition to any current group health plan provided by the employer.

  1. Coverage against Medical Expenses

The majority of medical expenses are covered by health insurance programmes. The cost of daycare services, ambulance expenses, pre- and post-hospitalization, and inpatient hospitalisation are all covered.

The range of coverage offered by Star Health’s plans is broad due to the fact that many of them additionally cover maternity-related benefits, sum insured restoration, organ donor expenditures, domiciliary treatments, etc.

  1. Tax Benefit

You may deduct up to Rs. 55,000 in tax payments made for Star Health’s health insurance under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act of 1961.

  1. Cashless Benefit

You do not have to pay your medical bills when you have a cashless claim because the insurance firm reimburses them directly to the linked hospital. As this lessens your financial burden, Star Health has partnered with thousands of Indian hospitals to provide you with cashless coverage. Also, the business has an internal claim settlement department, which removes the headaches associated with having the claim settled by TPAs.


The Star health insurance firm, a well-known health insurance provider in the nation, offers a variety of health plans to cover a wide range of conditions. You must contrast the various Star health insurance company offerings to get the best policy for your needs. Before making a choice, take into account the waiting period and the star health insurance for pre-existing conditions.

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