Star Health Medi Classic Vs. Star Diabetes Safe Plan

Star Health Medi Classic Vs. Star Diabetes Safe Plan

Emergency medical situations do not provide you with a heads-up. Due to sedentary lifestyles, more and more individuals are prone to various illnesses. Moreover, the cost of medical treatments and care has skyrocketed due to the increased demand for top-notch healthcare services.

In such scenarios, health insurance plans like Star Medi Classic and Star Diabetes Safe are the best plans to protect one’s savings in case of any medical exigency. Since both plans are offered by the same insurance company, starters may find them similar to each other. However, they have a lot of differences in features as well as benefits offered.

So, with this introduction, we can start comparing these policies with each other. But before that, let’s briefly discuss them!

What Is Star Health Medi Classic Plan?

In today’s modern world, there are several significant risks and uncertainties in terms of the health and wellness of an individual. Years of savings, which an individual may have done to complete his/her aspirations, can be lost with only one unforeseen hospitalization.

To help individuals in saving their savings and pursue their aspirations while taking care of their health, Star Health designed Medi Classic insurance. The plan offers coverage for hospitalization costs incurred as a result of illness, disease, injury, and/or accidental harm.

What Is Star Diabetes Safe Plan?

As per a recent report by the Diabetes Foundation of India, diabetes is one of the most prevalent ailments, affecting 50.9 million people worldwide, making India the second most affected nation in the world. Keeping in mind this grave concern, Star Health introduced the Diabetes Safe plan, which offers coverage for regular in-patient hospitalization due to illness, accidents, and diabetes complications resulting from Type 1/Type 2. This is a unique plan created for those with a history of diabetes.

Prominent Features & Benefits Of Star Medi Classic Plan

Now that we have understood the basic definitions of both plans, let’s now jump into some of the features and benefits of the Star Medi Classic plan:

  • Plan Variants: The plan has two variants, namely the Individual and Gold plans. While the ‘Individual’ variant provides the basic coverage, the ‘Gold’ variant offers wider benefits.
  • Policy Term: The plan offers individuals with policy term options of 1, 2, and 3 years.
  • Pre-Acceptance Medical Checkup: Pre-acceptance health check will be required of people over 50 at the company’s designated centers.
  • Long-Term Discount: When choosing a policy term of two years or three years, discounts of 10% on the second year’s premium and 11.25 percent on the second- and third-years’ premium are also available.
  • Lifelong Renewability: The plan can be renewed for lifelong.
  • Ambulance Charges: Transportation costs of the ‘Individual’ plan for the covered patient via ambulance to the hospital is up to a maximum of Rs. 750 for each hospitalization and Rs. 1500 overall per insurance period. And, Up to Rs. 2,000 is charged for the covered person’s private ambulance transportation during each hospitalization under the ‘Gold’ variant.
  • Pre- & Post-Hospitalization Expenses: Medical costs incurred up to 30 days before the date of admission and up to 60 days following hospital discharge are covered under the plan.
  • Cumulative Bonus: For the individual plan, for each year without a claim, the insured person is eligible for a cumulative bonus computed at 5% of the base sum insured, up to a maximum of 25%. Whereas, for the ‘Gold’ variant, the cumulative bonus is 25% of the basic sum insured in the second year and an additional 20% of the basic sum insured in each subsequent year, up to a maximum of 100%.

Key Features & Benefits Of Star Diabetes Safe Plan

Some of the prominent features and benefits of the plan are mentioned below:

  • Plan Variants: The plan comes with two variants, namely Plan A and Plan B.
  • Policy Term: Similar to the Star Medi Classic plan, Star Diabetes Safe offers 3 options of the policy term to its policyholders, namely 1, 2, and 3 years.
  • Lifelong Renewability: The plan is renewable for a lifetime.
  • Pre-Acceptance Medical Screening: Pre-acceptance medical screening is applicable under Plan A, but it is not necessary in Plan B.
  • Emergency Ambulance Costs: Up to Rs. 2000 for emergency ambulance fees per policy month for transporting the insured to the hospital is covered under the plan.
  • Pre- & Post-Hospitalization Expenses: Both variants of the plan offer coverage for pre-hospitalization expenses up to 30 days before the date of admission and post-hospitalization expenses for up to 60 days after discharge from the hospital.

Differences Between Star Medi Classic Vs. Star Diabetes Safe Plan

Now let’s check out how both the plans differ from each other. The table below will highlight key parameters for making out the differences clearer.

ParametersStar Medi ClassicStar Diabetes Safe
IndividualGoldPlan APlan B
Minimum Entry Age5 Months16 Days18 Years
Note: The maximum entry age for both plans is 65 years.
Sum Insured Options
  • Rs. 1,50,000/-
  • Rs. 2,00,000/-
  • Rs. 3,00,000/-
  • Rs. 4,00,000/-
  • Rs. 5,00,000/-
  • Rs. 10,00,000/-
  • Rs. 15,00,000/-
  • Rs. 3,00,000/
  • Rs. 4,00,000/-
  • Rs. 5,00,000/-
  • Rs. 10,00,000/
  • Rs. 15,00,000/
  • Rs. 20,00,000/
  • Rs. 25,00,000/-
  • Rs. 3,00,000/-
  • Rs. 4,00,000/-
  • Rs. 5,00,000/-
  • Rs. 10,00,000/-
Automatic Restoration Of Basic Sum Insured200%100%
OPD CoverNot AvailableAvailable
Additional Basic Sum Assured For Road Traffic AccidentThe Basic Sum Insured will be enhanced by 50% if the insured individual is involved in a road traffic accident that necessitates inpatient hospitalization.Not Available
Treatment Of New Born BabyCoveredNot Covered
Domiciliary HospitalizationCoveredNot Covered
AYUSH CoverageCoveredNot Covered

Which Is Better: Star Medi Classic Or Star Diabetes Safe?

Both the products have some huge differences in terms of their core structure, coverage, and benefits offered. When we talk about the Star Diabetes Safe plan, it is specifically designed for individuals suffering from diabetes, whether Type A or B. Whereas, Star Medi Classic, with its two variants, is a generic policy offering basic coverage that anyone could pick off the shelf.

Therefore, the comparison between the two plans is just like comparing an apple with a banana. Each of them comes with their own unique set of features and aspects. To make it easy, one can go for Star Medi Classic plan in case he/she prefers to purchase an affordable plan with all basic coverages. However, if an individual is specifically looking to purchase a policy because he/she is suffering from diabetes, then there is no denying the fact that the Star Diabetes Safe plan is a better option.

And finally, without taking the use case into account, any comparison is ultimately pointless. For whom are you purchasing this policy? Your family, your parents, or you? You must respond to that question before utilizing this guide.

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