The Gujarat government has introduced the “Vahli Dikri Yojana” to support the development of the girl child. The main purpose of this initiative is to provide financial assistance to women for the higher education and marriage of their daughters.
Under the scheme, families can receive up to Rs. 1,10,000 (in total) distributed in three installments. Furthermore, this financial support is designed to empower girls both economically and socially. The funds are directly deposited into the beneficiaries’ bank accounts.
The scheme is expected to positively impact the girl child birth rate and improve the sex ratio in Gujarat, where there are currently 883 girls for every 1000 boys. With higher education support for girls, the scheme seeks to enhance their independence and help change societal perceptions, which would foster a more equitable environment for women. In this post, we’ll dig deep into learning more about Vahil Dikri Yojana in a detailed manner.
What is Vahli Dikri Yojana?
To put it simply, Vahil Dikri Yojana is a special program which is designed to support the education and empowerment of girls in the state of Gujarat. Furthermore, the scheme provides financial assistance to eligible girls to help cover the costs of their education and marriage. Under the initiative, each girl receives a total of Rs. 1,10,000 which is distributed in three ways:
- In the first payout, an initial amount of Rs. 4000 is given to the beneficiary when she is born.
- A further Rs. 6,000 is provided when the girl enrolls in class 1 of school.
- The remaining amount of Rs. 1,00,000 is given either when the girl pursues higher education or gets married, depending on her circumstances.
Eligibility Criteria of Vahli Dikri Yojana
If you want to apply for the Vahil Dikri Yojana, you should meet the following criteria;
- The girl must be a resident of Gujarat.
- The applicant’s family must have a bank account.
(Note: The financial assistance under this scheme is provided through direct deposit, so a valid bank account is necessary to receive the funds).
- The yojana is available for the first two girls in a family.
- The annual income of the family must be less than Rs. 2 lakhs.
What is the objective of the Gujarat Vahali Dikri Scheme 2024?
The primary objective of the Gujarat Vahil Dikri Yojana 2024 is to foster social and economic stability for the daughters of the state. With unmatched financial assistance, the scheme aims to enhance the social and economic status of girls, which may contribute to an improved sex ratio and an increased birth rate of girls in Gujarat. Additionally, the support offered through the scheme is designed to ensure that girls can pursue higher education without running into financial barriers. Furthermore, this financial help would help reduce dependency on others and empower the girl child to achieve their education and personal goals.
What are the features and benefits of Vahli Dikri Yojana?
Here is a list of the key features and benefits of Vahil Dikri Yojana.
- Direct Financial Aid
One of the key benefits of the scheme is that it offers unmatched and direct financial support which is transferred directly into the bank account of the mother or the female head of the household. Furthermore, the funds are secured and efficiently delivered to the intended recipients.
- Commitment to Girls’ Welfare
Another major benefit of the scheme is that it helps improve the welfare and empowerment of girls while also addressing and reducing gender discrimination. Furthermore, it signifies a proactive approach to enhance the status of girls in the state.
- Support for Education & Financial Relief
Another major highlight of the plan is that it aims to support girls’ education by lowering school dropout rates and providing financial assistance to families struggling with the costs associated with their daughter’s education. Furthermore, this financial help alleviates some of the economic burden faced by families.
- Structured Financial Support
Another major reason to choose the Yojana is that it provides structured financial assistance. The first installment of Rs. 4000 is given when the girl gains admission to class 1. The second installment of Rs. 6000 is provided at a later stage, further supporting the girl’s education journey.
- Implementation by the Social Justice & Empowerment Department
Last but not least, the Gujarat government’s social justice and empowerment department is responsible for overseeing and implementing the scheme. Furthermore, the department ensures that the program is effectively managed and reaches those in need.
How To Apply For The Gujarat Vahli Dikri Scheme?
Since there is no online option available to opt for the scheme, you can follow the offline method and make it successful. Here are the steps to follow to buy the Gujarat Vahil Dikri Scheme.
- In the first step, you will need to visit your Local Gram Panchayat Office or Aanganwadi Centre to obtain the application form for the scheme. Ensure you understand the details of the scheme before filling out the form.
- Ensure you carefully enter all the required information and attach the necessary documents, such as the Aadhar card, income certificate, caste certificate, address proof, birth certificate of the girl child, details of the bank account linked with Aadhar, mobile number, and passport-sized photographs.
- Once done, return the completed application form to the office where you received it.
- After you submit it, your documents and application form will be reviewed by the authorities. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you will receive a confirmation message on your smartphone.
- Once your application is approved, the financial support will be transferred to your bank account.
So, there you have it! It is no secret that the Vahil Dikri Yojana is a great initiative in Gujarat aimed at enhancing the lives of girl children. The scheme can make a substantial impact by focusing on their education, alleviating financial pressure and encouraging a shift towards gender equality. With such continuous support, the scheme is set to create a more promising future where every girl can succeed and play a valuable role in the state’s development.
Frequently Asked Questions
Listed below are the frequently asked questions related to the Vahil Dikri Yojana.
No, the scheme is only for families with one or two girl children. Furthermore, families with more than two girl children are not eligible.
No, the scheme is only for families with an annual income of Rs. 2 lakh or less. On the other hand, the families with higher incomes will not qualify.
The scheme supports continuous education. If the girl stops going to school, she may not receive the remaining financial assistance.
Remember, the financial aid is meant for the education and welfare of the girl child. While there are no strict rules on how the funds are used, they should ideally support the girl’s education and well-being.
The money from the scheme will be directly deposited into the bank account of the applicant’s parent.