Health Insurance For Alzheimer’s Disease

Health Insurance For Alzheimer’s Disease

Did you know?

In India, over 4 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease in one way or another.

Sounds shocking, doesn’t it?

But contrary to popular belief, this illness is not just brought on by aging; in fact, according to the Alzheimer’s Organisation of India, many cases of the disease have affected people under the age of 65. It is a prevalent kind of dementia that causes memory loss.

Dementia is a progressive condition, and over time, symptoms may get worse. The patient may experience speech difficulties or cease responding to their surroundings in the early stages, but in the later stages, it may result in death. Despite the fact that there is currently no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there are many approaches that can be used to treat dementia more effectively, thanks to advances in medical science. The patient with this life-threatening illness can only live a better life if they receive the proper care from medical professionals and caregivers with the necessary training.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable condition characterized by the slow degeneration and eventual death of brain cells. Alzheimer’s disease has an impact on a person’s behaviour and social interactions. It is the most frequent cause of dementia that impairs a person’s capacity for independent thought and behaviour. Forgetting about a recent conversation or event is one of the worrying early warning signs.

People with Alzheimer’s disease frequently forget things and recent events. They might consistently ask you the same question. You must make sure that your family member’s health gets better over time if you are caring for someone who has Alzheimer’s disease.

Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease Explained

Listed below are the different stages of Alzheimer’s Disease.

  • Alzheimer’s disease progresses gradually over the years before symptoms of mental instability are noticed. At this early stage, your loved one won’t show any symptoms, so you won’t be able to tell that they have Alzheimer’s.
  • Even though you may not have noticed anything unusual about their behaviour yet, the patient may pick up on subtle behavioural variations that even a doctor would miss. This can entail misplacing objects or forgetting words. Even with mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, they are still able to work and lead normal lives.
  • At this point, the patient’s reasoning and mental processes begin to change. Symptoms like repetition, forgetting what they’ve recently read, or difficulty organizing them will become apparent to you.
  • The cognitive and reasoning difficulties (as discussed in Stage 3) intensify and new issues surface in this stage. Any memory or cognitive deficits will become apparent to the patient on their own.
  • The patient may experience confusion about their location and the time. They might struggle to remember their previous school, contact details, or home address. They might start to wonder what is appropriate to wear for the season or day.
  • As the illness progresses, the patient may recognize faces but not names. They might also mistake someone for someone else, thinking, for example, that their wife is their mother. Additionally, the patient becomes violent and/or delusional at this stage.

Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms

Gradual memory loss is one of the main signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Among the additional signs of Alzheimer’s are:

  • Loss of self-control
  • Forget things
  • Depression
  • Getting lost in familiar places
  • Questioning everything
  • Social withdrawal
  • Forgets people’s names
  • Mood changes
  • Apathy
  • Abrasiveness
  • Irritability
  • Delusions

Importance of Health Insurance for Alzheimer’s Disease

It is no secret that over 4 million Indians suffer from Alzheimer’s disease in different forms, according to the Alzheimer’s Organisation of India.

Additionally, the expense of treating Alzheimer’s disease may severely impair your financial situation. To control the cost of medical care as a result, it makes sense to get dedicated health insurance. Keep in mind that the cost of treating the illness is high. Receiving medical care can be expensive, particularly if it necessitates long-term care or hospitalization. However, if you have health insurance, you won’t have to worry about paying for medical expenses.

Moreover, it may render people more susceptible to a variety of illnesses. You can feel confident that you have made progress toward better health even if you are unable to devote the necessary time and energy to it—at least if you have access to medical insurance.

You can use the total insured amount to cover care, treatment, and recovery if the physician prescribes a specific course of action. Additionally, the funds can be used to settle debts, compensate for income losses, and in certain situations, adjust to changes in lifestyle.

Why Should You Get Health Insurance for Alzheimer’s Disease

Here are the incredible reasons to buy health insurance for Alzheimer’s disease.

Combat Ageing Diseases:

Even though illness can be controlled and prevented by taking preventative measures, managing unexpected expenses can be difficult. Having a solid health plan when you’re young enables you to get regular checkups, which can help you stay healthy and manage your medical costs.

Fights Rising Medical Inflation:

As medical knowledge expands and the number of illnesses increases, treatment costs also rise. The price of prescription drugs, diagnostic testing, ambulance rides, doctor visits, hotel rent, and other expenses is also going up. You can select high-quality care without worrying about the cost and escape the burden of medical inflation.

Protect Your Hard-Earned Savings:

Not only can a sudden illness be extremely stressful and painful emotionally, but it can also be very expensive. Investing in quality health insurance for Alzheimer’s disease will help you better manage your medical costs.

What is the Alzheimer's Disease Treatment Cost In India?

The elderly population in India is becoming more vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease. The monthly cost of treating Alzheimer’s disease can reach approximately Rs. 40,000. While there isn’t a specific treatment for the illness, it can be avoided by following your doctor’s recommendations for a range of exercises and therapies.

What are the Inclusions and Exclusions under Health Insurance for Alzheimer’s Disease?

The following are the things covered and not covered under Health Insurance for Alzheimer’s Disease. Let’s first discuss the inclusions.

Pre and Post-Hospitalization Expenses:

Your health insurance will cover all pre- and post-hospitalization costs of Alzheimer’s disease, including physician fees, medical expenses, follow-up treatments, and more, up to a specified time period that is specified in the health insurance document.

Annual Health Checkups:

Annual exams typically consist of blood sugar tests, kidney function tests, ECG examinations, and a few other tests. Once a year, insured members may take advantage of the examinations specified in their health insurance.

Daycare Treatments:

Treatments for daycare centres are those that necessitate hospital stays shorter than twenty-four hours. Dialysis, chemotherapy, cataract surgery, and other operational services are examples of such treatments.

Cashless Admission Facility:

All that is needed to request admission to any network hospital is an identity card that the policyholder’s insurance has issued. There would be no payment required in advance for the admissions process.

Reimbursement of Medical Expenses:

You can receive treatment at your preferred hospital even if it is not one of the network hospitals, after which you can file a claim for reimbursement. Original invoices and documentation as specified in the health insurance must be submitted for this.


Every day, there are more and more instances of Alzheimer’s disease in India. Additionally, it is advisable to choose health insurance for Alzheimer’s insurance in order to alleviate the emotional and financial burden that comes with this illness. If you have health insurance, you can submit claims as soon as you are admitted to the hospital.

Health insurance is also intended to cover the costs of home or domiciliary treatment, alternative therapies, and annual health check-up facilities. Thus, purchase health insurance that includes coverage for Alzheimer’s disease.

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