Star Health Insurance Vs Royal Sundaram Health Insurance

Star Health Insurance Vs Royal Sundaram Health Insurance

Health insurance policies are an essential part of life as it helps to safeguard the insured person and his/her family from different types of ailments and health risks since it compensates the amount that has been spent as the expenses of treatment of a disease. Multiple benefits come along with a good and comprehensive health plan such as wellness programmes, and wellness benefits, that help one to stay healthy and keep track of his/her health. 

When we are talking about health insurance companies, we cannot overlook two insurers, Star Health Insurance and Royal Sundaram Health Insurance as both have come up with multiple health insurance policies that are designed keeping in mind the needs of the insured person. Those policies can even address the specific needs of the consumers. Apart from the basic benefits. Their policies have multiple unique features that have made them popular among the policy-seekers. To know more about the health policies of these two insurers, have a look at the following mentions.

Comparison Between Star Health Insurance and Royal Sundaram Health Insurance

The following table talks about these two plans and their differences and similarities.

ParametersStar Health InsuranceRoyal Sundaram Health Insurance
Type of the insurerStand-alone health insurerPrivate sector insurer
Number of plans22 plans7 health plans
Claim settlement ratio as per the IRDAI Annual Report 2021-22 (Health Sector)87.06%90.22%
Network hospitals14,000+More than 10,000 hospitals
Cashless facilityAvailableYes, available at network hospitals
Preventive health check-upFree annual health check-up is available for some policiesAvailable for certain policies
Gross premium amount within India (Health sector)Rs. 11463.47 crores in 2021-22Rs. 2866.59 crores in 2021-22
Add-on coversAvailable, after paying an extra premium amountAvailable, at an extra cost
Separate senior citizen health planYes, availableNot available separately
Covid-19 treatment facilityAvailableAvailable
AYUSH treatment coverCoveredCovered
Separate policy for women


Star Women Care Insurance Policy

Not available separately
Critical illness coverCovered. There are many dedicated policies for critical illnessesCovered. Also available as an add-on cover
Specific policy for childrenAvailableNot available
Modern treatmentCovered for some specific spansAvailable for some policies
Maternity cover & newborn baby coverAvailable for some policiesAvailable under Lifeline Elite Plan
Pre-existing diseasesCoveredCovered
Worldwide health coverAvailable, but not under all plansAvailable under Lifeline Elite Plan
Separate policy for people with disabilityStar Special Care is only for people with autism spectrum disorderYes, available Divyang Plus
Re-load of Sum InsuredThis facility can be availed of under some health plansUp to base sum insurance under Lifeline Health Insurance

Star Health Insurance Company

Having its headquarters in Chennai, Star Health Insurance Company has been there in the insurance market for more than 20 years. This insurance company has more than 20 medical plans that can address the needs of the consumers. Even, certain insurance plans are designed keeping certain diseases in mind such as diabetes, cancer, etc. To obtain this policy,pre-policy health check-ups are not mandatory for most of the policies. The company has also introduced various discounts such as if anyone opts for a 2 or 3-year policy then he/she will get a 5% discount on the premium amount. The plans are tailor-made, can be customised as per the needs of the customer, and also budget-friendly.

Major Benefits of Health Policies Under Star Health Insurance

Here are the important mentions.

  • If you are looking for cashless treatment, this insurer is ideal for you. This company has more than 14000 network hospitals spread all over the country. Therefore, you can choose the ideal network hospital within your vicinity easily.
  • With the health insurance policies of this insurer, one can get the tax exemption benefit under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act of 1961.
  • If you need teleconsultation, you can benefit from this insurer. Apart from that, one can play a quiz and earn reward points. These points will help one to get a discount on the premium amount.
  • Separate scan centres are available with this company. If you are a customer of this insurer and a woman as well then only you can avail of this benefit.
  • Pre-existing diseases are also covered by the health insurance policies of Star Health Insurance Company. Once the waiting period is over, you can start getting coverage for pre-existing diseases. This waiting period may vary from one insurer to another.
  • Medical science has advanced a lot. Modern treatments are now-a-days used for different ailments which are really expensive. The medical insurance policies of this insurer cover the modern treatment expenses as well.
  • Critical illnesses and chronic ailments are covered by the health plans of this company. There are certain health insurance plans that are specially designed for certain illnesses such as related to heart, kidney, diabetes, etc.
  • The company has more than 850 official branches and more than 6 lakh registered and licensed agents spread all over the country. So, if you need any help from the insurer, or get connected to the company, you can do it easily.
  • The customer executives of this company are experienced and knowledgeable enough to quench your query. They are open 24/7 to help you out.

What Do You Understand About Royal Sundaram Health Insurance?

Formerly known as Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company Limited, Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Ltd. is the first private sector general insurance company in India. Royal Sundaram has come up with a bucket full of health insurance products to cater to the varied needs of individuals. The company has both individual and family floater insurance policies that offer comprehensive health insurance to the policyholders. Apart from the basic health insurance benefits, the medical products of this insurer have come up with various unique advantages and facilities such as cover for AYUSH treatment, modern treatment, etc.

Key Highlights of Royal Sundaram Health Insurance

The important benefits are as follows.

  • This company has come up with different health insurance plans for differently abled people. Apart from that, if anyone is diagnosed with AIDS or HIV, then also this insurer has policies for them.
  • A cashless facility is available with the insurer so that one does not have to burn his/her pocket to avail of the best medical treatment for a certain ailment.
  • To avail of the cashless facility, it is important to get admitted to a network hospital of the company. Royal Sundaram has more than 10000 network hospitals and healthcare providers spread all over the country. Therefore, one can get the best hospital within his/her vicinity.
  • The medical plans provided by this insurer are comprehensive in nature. They can be taken for an individual or for a family as well. They have multiple benefits such as reload sum insured benefit, emergency domestic evacuation, emergency worldwide hospitalisation, etc. Once you take their policy, you are completely protected from diseases and their expenses.
  • If you are newlywed or planning to extend your family, then this insurance is for you. They have introduced maternity cover keeping in mind the needs of the would-be mother and the newborn baby.
  • This company has critical illness coverage. Their Lifeline plan offers coverage against 11 critical illnesses internationally.
  • During emergency health conditions, the Multiplier Plan covers up to 11 times the sum insured. In the event of any unforeseen disease, this plan offers a huge amount of sum insured coverage.
  • The company has introduced a top-up plan that acts as a cushion in the event of any medical emergency. If you have exhausted your sum insured amount, this plan will be there to give you additional support.

Premium Comparison Between Star Health Insurance and Royal Sundaram Health Insurance

For your better understanding, here is an example.

Mr Das, a 37-year-old Noida-based businessman wants to buy a health insurance plan for himself. After market research, he has chosen Star Health and Royal Sundaram Health Insurance and wants to opt for a comprehensive health policy. Let us find out how much premium he has to pay for the following two policies for the given data.

Name of the planAgeFor whom?Sum insuredPolicy termAdd-on coverPremium amount
Star Comprehensive Health Policy37selfRs. 10 lakhs2 yearsAggregate Deductible (Rs. 25,000)Rs. 22,795 including GST
Royal Sundaram Lifeline Supreme PlanHospital Daily Cash BenefitRs. 11076.77 + GST

Star Health Insurance and Royal Sundaram Health Insurance, which one is the one for you?

When it comes to the choice between Star Health Insurance and Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Company, it becomes difficult because both insurers have come up with multiple health insurance plans to cater to the varied needs of the individuals and all the plans are quite good in their own fields. If you want an insurer that will offer you multiple options to choose from and a disease-specific plan, then Star Health is ideal for you/. On the other hand, if you are looking for something that will offer you 4x or 11x multiplier benefits, protection against chronic ailments, etc. then you should go for Royal Sundaram. However, it totally depends on the policy-seeker what he/she wants and what are the requirements. There are multiple factors that have to be kept in mind such as age of the policy-seeker, budget, family background, medical history, etc. Before choosing anyone, go through the policy schedule carefully to avoid future complexities.

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