Max Life Insurance
Max Life Insurance Claim Settlement Process

Max Life Insurance Claim Settlement

Max Life Insurance provides an easy and convenient claim settlement process. When it comes to processing claims, the insurance company strives to be the most transparent, fastest, and friendliest. Moreover, the company ensures that the claim money is received by the eligible individual or family as promptly as possible. Let’s know more about the claim settlement process of Max Life Insurance in detail.

Online Claim Settlement Process Of Max Life Insurance

In only three steps, you may settle your Max Life Insurance claim online:

Claim Registration:

The very first step is to register the claim with Max Life Insurance company. Go to the official website of the company and click on three lines in the top-right corner. Choose ‘Claim Centre’ and then ‘Claims Request’. After clicking on ‘Get Started’, fill out the necessary details and submit the documents.

Claim Evaluation:

After registering the claim, your claim will be examined and investigated based on the information you have given to the company.

Claim Settlement:

Your claim would now be authorized and settled at the end of the process. Payments are made either to the beneficiary’s bank account or by check. In case your claim is denied by the company, the reason for the denial will be communicated.

Offline Claim Settlement Process Of Max Life Insurance

The insurance claims for Max Life Insurance plans can also be intimidated through an agent, by visiting the nearest branch office of the company, or by emailing the company at You can also call the company’s customer care number 1860-120-5577.

What Makes Max Life Insurance Claim Settlement Process Unique From Others?

Below are some of the features of the Max Life Insurance claim settlement process that will make you understand why it is unique:

Insta Claim:

Max Life Insurance has introduced the InstaClaim function, which guarantees that all death claims will be settled within one day of receiving the claim receipt, subject to certain criteria.

Higher Claims Paid Ratio:

It’s the ratio of paid claims to total claims submitted; the greater the ratio, the better for the insurance. In the fiscal year 2021-22, Max Life Insurance had claims paid ratio of 99.35 percent.

Claims Guarantee Feature:

For a hassle-free death claim process, Max Life has launched the ‘Claims Guarantee’ feature. If the company fails to honour its pledge to settle claims within ten days after receiving documentation from the nominee, it promises to pay the insured amount plus interest on the entire amount owed.

Necessary Information On Claim Centre:

The company website’s claim center provides all of the relevant information in a clear and concise manner. Your nominee has the option of downloading the claim form from the website’s claim section or walking to the insurer’s nearest branch. 

Personalized Service:

Max Life assigns a professional Claims Relationship Officer to provide individual service. It is especially important in the case of a death claim settlement to obtain a death benefit, where the nominee is given all conceivable assistance to withdraw money on time.

Various Ways Of Claim Registration:

One of the biggest advantages of the Max Life Insurance claim settlement process is that you can register claims through a number of ways, including agents, branch office, and calling the company’s toll-free number.

24/7 Customer Support:

As the company offers 24/7 customer support services, it offers quick resolution to various complaints and queries of the customers. 

Instant Death Claim Fulfilled:

Under Max Life Insurance death claims, the fund value is paid within 48 hours from the intimation of the claim. This quick and hassle-free claim settlement process is the promise that the company makes to all of its policyholders.

Documents Required During The Claim Process Of Max Life Insurance

Following are some of the important documents that you require during the claim process of Max Life Insurance:

  • Original copy of policy documents
  • Death claim application form
  • Attested and original copy of death certificate
  • Bank passbook or cancelled cheque
  • Photo ID proof of the nominee
  • Attested NEFT form
  • Copy of FIR (In case of unnatural or accidental death).