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Individual Health Insurance Plans

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New India Yuva Bharat Health Policy

New India Yuva Bharat Health policy is a comprehensive health insurance plan which was created with the goal of assisting policyholders in actively managing their health and leading healthy lifestyles. The policy is specially made to pay for hospitalization costs resulting from an illness or accident. 

It meets almost all of your healthcare needs, from maternity benefits and infertility treatment to newborn baby cover and critical illness benefits. The plan comes in three variants: Base, Gold, and Platinum.

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum Entry AgeFor Adults: 18 Years, For Children: 3 Months
Maximum Entry AgeFor Adults: 45 Years, For Children: 25 Years
Sum Insured OptionsRs. 5/10/15/25/50 Lakhs
Policy Period1 Year

New India Yuva Bharat Health Policy Features

It is very important to be aware of the coverage of the plan before you buy it. Therefore, we have curated a list of expenses that are covered by the New India Yuva Bharat Health policy.

CoverageBase PlanGold PlanPlatinum Plan
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses60 Days
Post-Hospitalization Expenses90 Days
AYUSH TreatmentUp To 100% Of SI
Modern TreatmentsCovered
Hospital CashCoveredNANA
Cost Of Health CheckupCoveredNANA
Newborn Baby CoverCoveredNANA
Medical Second OpinionCoveredNANA
Coverage Of Hazardous SportsCoveredNANA
Road Ambulance


  • For Rs. 5 Lakhs, 10 Lakhs & 15 Lakhs: Up To A Maximum Of Rs. 5,000
  • For Rs. 25 Lakhs: Up To A Maximum Of Rs. 7,500
  • For Rs. 50 Lakhs: Up To A Maximum Of Rs. 10,000
Personal Accident CoverNACoveredNA
Critical Illness CoverNA


  • For Rs. 5 Lakhs, 10 Lakhs & 15 Lakhs: Up To A Maximum Of Rs. 50,000
  • For Rs. 25 Lakhs: Up To A Maximum Of Rs. 75,000
  • For Rs. 50 Lakhs: Up To A Maximum Of Rs. 1,00,000
Air AmbulanceNACoveredNA
Infertility TreatmentNANACovered
Maternity CoverNANACovered
Pre-Term/Premature BirthNANACovered
Vaccination ChargesNANACovered

Why Should You Choose New India Yuva Bharat Health Policy?

There are many reasons to choose the Yuva Bharat Health policy. Some of the benefits provided by the plan are as discussed below:

Continuity Benefit:

The plan provides continuity benefits to the policyholder by covering specific ailments after 12 months of continuous coverage. Moreover, pre-existing diseases, mental illnesses, and genetic disorders are covered after 24 months of continuous coverage.

Reinstatement Of Sum Insured:

The sum insured is reinstated if it is used up as a result of a claim that is admissible under the policy and/or is paid. This reinstatement is only accessible for policies issued with individual sum insured amounts and only once per policy period.

Personal Accident Benefit:

The Company will compensate the insured or his legal representative(s) or nominee if the insured person suffers any bodily injury at any time during the term of this policy that is caused entirely and directly by an accident caused by external, violent, and visible causes.

Death100% Of SI

Loss Of Both Eyes/Loss Of Two Limbs/Loss Of One

Limb & One Eye

100% Of SI
Permanent Total Disablement100% Of SI
Loss Of One Limb/One Eye50% Of SI

Hospital Cash Benefit:

For each day of hospitalization permitted by the policy, the company will pay the hospital cash. For any one illness, the payment under this clause shall be made for a maximum of five days.

Sum InsuredHospital Cash Benefit
Rs. 5/10/15 LakhsRs. 500 Per Day
Rs. 25 LakhsRs. 750 Per Day
Rs. 50 LakhsRs. 1000 Per Day

Auto Top-Up Facility:

When a claim is paid or admissible for the same disease or injury, the sum insured is immediately reinstated up to 10% of the sum insured.


The plan provides the following discounts to the policyholder:

  • Floater Discount: Up To 15%
  • Loyalty Discount: 2.5%
  • Discount up to 10% on healthy parameters of BMI, blood sugar level and
  • blood pressure readings etc.
  • Digital Discount: 10%

Tax Benefits:

According to Section 80 D of the Income Tax Act of 1961, payments for the plan made in any way other than cash are eligible for a deduction from taxable income. Please refer to the appropriate section of the Income Tax Act for more information.

No Pre-Policy Medical Check-Up:

There is no requirement for undergoing any kind of pre-policy medical checkup to purchase the plan.

Installment Facility:

The policy offers an installment facility. You can pay the premium monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually.

Birth Right Benefit:

If a child or newborn covered by the policy develops any one of the disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, and Downs Syndrome during the policy period, the following amounts shall be payable to the policyholder:

Sum InsuredBenefit Payable
Rs. 5/10/15 LakhsRs. 30,000
Rs. 25 LakhsRs. 40,000
Rs. 50 LakhsRs. 50,000

Sample Quotations Of New India Yuva Bharat Health Policy

Let’s check out how much will New India Yuva Bharat Health plan cost you!

Age Of PolicyholderSum InsuredZonePlan TypeAnnual Premium
18 YearsRs. 5 LakhsZone 1: DelhiBasicRs. 4,712
31 YearsRs. 10 LakhsZone 2: Rest Of IndiaGoldRs. 6,992
45 YearsRs. 15 LakhsZone 1: DelhiBasicRs. 15,855
38 YearsRs. 25 LakhsZone 2: Rest Of IndiaPlatinumRs. 15,942

What’s Not Included Under Yuva Bharat Health Policy?

The plan comes with the following exclusions:

  • Obesity and weight control treatment
  • Investigation and evaluation
  • Rest cure, rehabilitation, and respite care
  • Change of gender treatments
  • Cosmetic or plastic surgery
  • Breach of law
  • Treatment for alcoholism, drug, or any other intoxicating substances
  • Refractive error
  • Unproven treatments
  • Sterility and infertility
  • War and war-like occurrences or invasion

Frequently Asked Questions

The policy covers the following members:

  1. Self
  1. Spouse
  1. Dependent Children

Single insurance may cover a maximum of six persons.

Yes. There are loadings as per the following parameters:

  • BMI (>32) – 2.5% Loading
  • Diabetic (Hb1Ac >6.4) – 2.5% Loading
  • Hypertensive (>139/89) – 2.5% Loading

Yes, cumulative bonuses between 10% and 30% are provided for each claim-free renewal.

Yes. You can cancel the policy within 15 days from the policy’s inception date. If the policyholder cancels it with 15 days written notice, the company will repay the premium for the remaining time under the policy.

Yes. When paying annual premiums, the policy must be renewed within 30 days before its expiration.

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