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Roadside Assistance Add-On Cover

No matter whether you are travelling on the outskirts of town or within the city limits, you expect your journey to go as smoothly as possible. Problems with a car trip might prove quite inconvenient. However, there is a simple solution for such situations: the Roadside Assistance Add-On (RSA).

Roadside assistance add-on cover provides aid to the car owner if their vehicle becomes stranded in the middle of the road due to mechanical, hardware, or electrical failure, low gasoline, or other reasons. You can add an RSA to your comprehensive car insurance policy as an extra layer of protection. The expense of such a cover extension is that you must pay an additional premium. It does, however, provide a number of advantages, the most important of which is support with car-related issues encountered on the road.

Key Features & Benefits Of Roadside Assistance Add-On Cover

Here are the major features and benefits of buying a roadside assistance add-on cover:

Hotel Accommodation:

In case the policyholder’s car experiences a major breakdown and it requires a long period of time to repair, the roadside assistance cover may also provide hotel accommodation.


In case the policyholder’s car is experiencing minor faults, the insurance company may guide him/her over the phone. This will help the policyholder to fix the minor defect without calling the mechanic.


In addition to the accommodation facility, the roadside assistance cover will also provide a transportation facility in order to reach the hotel or nearby garage.

Emergency Assistance:

Situations such as a flat tyre or a battery malfunction are unforeseeable, therefore having roadside assistance is really beneficial.

Peace Of Mind:

Customers who purchase roadside assistance as an add-on may travel with confidence, knowing that if they have any problems, they can rely on their service provider.

Delivery Of Fuel:

If you run out of gas in the middle of the road or anywhere else, don’t worry; roadside assistance will come to your rescue. The fuel will be supplied to you in that specific location, but you will be required to pay for it.

Service For Lockouts:

If you leave your car keys inside the vehicle by accident, or if they are lost or stolen from you, the insurance company will send a trained service provider to provide you with a new set of keys using roadside assistance cover.

Service For Flat Tires:

Any individual, at any time, may encounter an awful flat tyre situation with their vehicle. If you are unsure how to fix a flat tyre or do not have a spare tyre in your vehicle, you can use Roadside Assistance cover to notify your insurance company and receive assistance. A professional mechanic will arrive on the scene and assist you in replacing the flat tyre with a new one.

Who Should Buy Roadside Assistance Add-On Cover?

You should buy a roadside assistance add-on cover under the following conditions:

  • If you drive your car often
  • If you go for long drives often
  • If you have a car whose age is less than 5 years
  • If you often travel out of the station
  • If you are not aware of anything about repairing a car

What's Covered Under Roadside Assistance Add-On Cover?

The following things are covered under the roadside assistance add-on cover:

  • Minor repairs
  • Flat tyres
  • Battery breakdown
  • Provision of spare keys
  • Fuel delivery
  • Towing facility
  • Battery jumpstart
  • Taxi support
  • On-spot repair
  • Pick-up facility
  • Legal assistance

What's Not Included Under Roadside Assistance Add-On Cover?

The following things are not included in the roadside assistance add-on cover:

  • Driving while drinking alcohol or under the influence of other intoxicating substances
  • Driving without a valid license
  • Vehicle used for racing and illegal activities
  • Vehicle is not driven as per the rules and regulations
  • If repair is done without the consent of the insurer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the frequently asked questions related to engine protection add-ons.

No, an RSA policy cannot be combined with a third-party liability policy. When you renew your policy, you can upgrade to the comprehensive plan and add an RSA cover.

Almost all insurance firms provide roadside assistance to their customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Before purchasing the add-on, make sure your insurance company offers 24×7 RSA.

No, a roadside assistance claim has no bearing on your car insurance plan’s No Claim Bonus (NCB).

RSA covers are reasonably priced. You can compare the features, perks, and inclusions to the paid premium to see if the coverage is worth the money.

If on-the-spot repairs are not possible at the breakdown area, the vehicle will be transported to a nearby garage for additional examination.