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United India General Insurance Company

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United India Insurance

United India Insurance Company Ltd was established in 1938 and nationalized in 1972. The company has since grown exponentially and has a 12,000+ strong workforce in 2093 offices pan India. With a large customer base, United India Insurance is committed to pioneering to ensure that its general insurance services reach all corners of rural India.

Quick Look At United India Insurance

NameUnited India Insurance Company Ltd
OwnerGovernment of India
TaglineRest Assured with Us
Company TypeGeneral insurance
Managing Director and CEOMr Rajkiran Rai G
No of offices2093
No of employees12,277
Operating countriesIndia

Why Should You Pick United India Insurance For Your Insurance Needs?

According to their mission statement, United India aims to –

  • Offer insurance to every citizen in the country
  • Keep customers happy with their services
  • Conduct business soundly and as per best practises
  • Minimise waste in India
  • Contribute to the development of the nation’s economy

Having been in the business for over 80 years, United India Insurance Company uses its experience to gain and maintain the trust of its customers. They’re a top choice because:

  • Innovative products help boost the services offered to United India’s customers. In addition to motor and health insurance, customers can purchase policies like shopkeeper, householder, fire, marine, industrial and microinsurance.
  • Top notch customer service has been one of United India Insurance Company Ltd’s goals and the insurance provider works hard to keep its customers happy. From assuaging doubts to solving queries, the company leaves no stone unturned when it comes to customer satisfaction.
  • Achievements and awards for its products and services is just another feather in United India’s cap.
  • With an efficient and simple claims process, United India Insurance makes it easy for customers to reap the benefits of their policies.

Products Offered By United India Insurance Company

United India Insurance offers a wide range of products across several sectors.

1. United India Motor Insurance

1. Package Policy:

The package policy for motor insurance is a comprehensive policy that protects your two-wheeler, commercial vehicle or four-wheeler. The policy offers protection from damage caused by fire, self ignition, accidents, theft, riots, malicious damage, and landslides. The policy also offers third party liability protection. However, any claim that is not in the geographical area covered by the policy, or claims arising from damage due to driving without a valid license or under the influence of alcohol, are not covered by this policy. 

2. Liability only Policy:

The liability-only policy is the most basic insurance policy required for a motor vehicle to operate on Indian roads. The policy offers personal accidents covered for a certain sum to the driver. Also covered in this policy is third person liability, which includes damages caused to a third person or property by the insured’s vehicle. Any damage due to nuclear threats, drunk driving, regular wear and tear, or using a vehicle outside the scope of its usage will not be covered by this policy.

2. United India Health Insurance Plans

Revised Family Medicare Policy:

This healthcare policy is both for individuals or an individual and their family. Any person between the age of 18 to 65 can enroll. The policy covers hospitalization charges, including room expenses, nursing expenses, ICU expenses as well as any expenses incurred due to treatment by a specialist. Medicines and other medical devices used during the hospital stay are also covered. The policy covers pre and post hospitalisation expenses, as well as certain expenses for an organ donation. Under this policy, maternity and newborn cover is offered at an additional cost.

Family Medicare 2014:

This policy covers children between the age of 3 months and 18 years, provided one or both parents are insured under this health insurance policy. A single insured sum is applicable to all family members covered under this policy. The policy offers reimbursement for Ayurvedic and allopathy treatments for the insured persons. Hospitalization expenses such as specialist fees, medical devices, lab tests, diagnostic tests, etc, are all covered under this policy. Any pre-existing condition in the insured persons will not be covered until after 2 years of being insured under this policy. No cosmetic procedures will be covered either. Another point to note is that any diseases contracted within the first 30 days of purchasing the insurance policy will not be covered as per the conditions. 

Revised Individual Health Insurance Policy:

The plan covers individuals and their family members, allowing for the individual insured sum for each member insured under this policy. There are three plans of purchase under this policy, each for individuals between 18 to 35 years, 36 to 60 years and 61 to 65 years. All in-patient hospitalization expenses are covered by the policy, which includes room expenses, nursing expenses, ICU expenses, surgeon or other specialized doctor’s fees, prosthetics, blood transfusion, x-rays and other diagnostic tests. For organ donation, all costs are covered except the cost of the actual organ. Dental treatments will be covered by this plan. Plastic surgery necessitated by accident or injury is also covered under this plan. Pre-existing conditions as well as certain conditions listed in the policy will not be covered by the insurance company. 

Individual Health Insurance Policy:

This health insurance policy is available for any individual between the ages of 18 to 65 years. Different slabs for different age groups are offered under this plan. The policy covers all hospitalization expenses and Ayurvedic treatments during in-patient treatment. However, additional covers in the policy can be purchased for ambulance charges and daily cash for usage in the hospital. Infants are covered under the policy after they turn 3 months. 

Arogya Sanjeevani Policy:

The Arogya Sanjeevani Policy is available for individuals and families. Separate sum insured and sum insured shared by the entire family are two different options under this policy. The insured can submit claims for hospitalization expenses, cataract treatment, dental treatments required after accident or injury, plastic surgery required after accident or injury and ambulance expenses up to a certain amount. All Ayurvedic, naturopathy and homoeopathy treatment expenses are covered too. Certain procedure expenses are covered up to 50%. Pre-existing conditions will only be covered after the first two years of being insured, provided the conditions have been declared while purchasing the policy. Any procedures related to obesity or diagnostic investigation will not be covered. 

Corona Kavach Policy:

This insurance policy is specifically geared towards COVID-19 treatments. The policy covers hospitalization expenses due to COVID, including room rent, nursing charges, specialist charges and ICU expenses. Home care treatment expenses are also covered, unlike other health insurance policies. If prescribed by the doctor, the policy will also cover medicines with a prescription, diagnostic tests, and any medical procedures required. The policy also covers expenses related to oxygen cylinders, oximeters and nebulisers. Any rehabilitation, rest or expenses related to diet and supplements, and unproven treatments will not be covered in this policy. Those who declared COVID positive after purchasing the policy will not be considered valid. 

Revised Super Top Up Medicare Policy:

This policy is for all Indian citizens between the age of 18 and 80. All hospitalization expenses due to illness and injury are covered when they fall within the policy period. Hospital fees, nursing fees, lab tests, specialist fees, Ayurvedic treatments, etc are covered under this policy. For certain procedures such as vaporisation of the prostate, robotic surgeries, immunotherapy, chemotherapy and other conditions, the policy covers partial costs. No pre-existing conditions will be covered. However, if the condition has been declared while purchasing the policy, it will be covered after a waiting period of 2 years. Any injury caused due to war, nuclear incidents, any infertility treatments, and certain conditions related to pregnancy are not covered under the policy. 

Super Top Up:

This policy is particularly for any hospital expenses that surpass the sum insured under a health insurance policy. The policy covers any aggregate expenses that are incurred due to an extended hospital stay due to an illness or injury. The policy is available for individuals as well as for a family unit. Any individual between 18 and 80 years of age is eligible to enroll for this policy. Children as old as 3 months can be covered too. The expenses covered under this policy include hospitalization expenses, nursing expenses, medicine expenses, lab test expenses, diagnostic test expenses, etc. no expenses for cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, circumcision or general debility. 

UNI Criticare:

The policy covers a host of critical illnesses, including certain types of cancer, the first heart attack, coronary artery surgery, kidney failure, organ, or bone marrow transplant, multiple sclerosis, permanent limb paralysis and a few other conditions. It is available for individuals and families. The policy offers a 15 day period of trying the policy to see if it works for them. Any critical illness caused due to alcohol or drug addiction, smoking, self inflicted injury, or symptoms present while the policy was being purchased will not be covered. 

Uni Group Health Insurance Policy:

This health insurance policy offers coverage for any hospitalization expenses incurred due to an illness or an injury. All room and boarding expenses are covered by the policy, along with ICU expenses, cost of diagnostic tests, operation theatre costs, and certain mental illnesses are covered under the policy. Any illness and injury caused due to internal self-harm or nuclear incidents and stem cell surgery and harvesting is not going to be covered. 

United Sharamik Seva Policy:

This policy is for employer-employee groups specifically. The policy covers all types of hospitalization and related expenses caused due to illness or injury. Cataract treatment, dental treatment, plastic surgery due to an injury or illness and road ambulance expenses are covered. However, pre-existing conditions that have not been declared while purchasing the policy will not be covered. Additionally, there’s no coverage for any illness within the first 30 days of purchasing the policy. Certain conditions that require hospitalization have a waiting period in order for the insured to be reimbursed for the related expenses.

3. United India Shopkeeper's Insurance Policy

This policy protects the building as well as the content of the shop. Protection is offered for pedal cycles, neon signs advertising the business, baggage while travelling and any accidental injury or death. All small shopkeepers can take advantage of this insurance policy. Spouses and children 12 or older can be covered too along with damage due to fire in the building, lightning, burglary, theft, riots or malicious damage. Any damage from war and war-like perils, regular wear and tear, deliberate negligence, etc are not covered.

4. United India Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident Policy:

This policy covers any accidental injury or even death that occurs due to an accident. Any citizen between 5 and 70 years of age can be insured under this policy. Citizens between 70 and 80 years can purchase this policy after a medical examination. The policy protects the insured from accidents anywhere in the world. Any pregnancy related claim or self injury related claim is not covered. 

Road Safety Package Policy:

As the name suggests, the policy is for personal accidents occurring on the road. The policy covers death, complete or partial loss of sight, one or both hands, or one or both legs. Any medical treatment required for the insured due to the road accident only will be covered by the policy. Any other illness or injury not due to a road accident will not be covered. Additionally, there is no coverage for any self-harm injury, injuries due to war or other such conditions or nuclear accidents. 

UNI Medicare Policy:

This policy offers a special discount on family premiums. A cumulative bonus, health checkups, and hospitalization costs are covered under the policy. No pre-existing conditions or any conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth are not covered. Naturopathy treatment options are not available either.

5. United India House Holder Insurance Policy

This policy is for a household or homeowner. The policy will cover the building, the contents inside the building, jewelry, and other valuables, domestic appliances (TV, refrigerator, audio system, etc). The insurance policy also offers third party liability to the insured. Any damage due to burglary, theft, while travelling, fire, riots, or accident is covered under this policy. Personal accident coverage is also available. Any loss or damage when the insured or insured family is responsible for the same is not covered. If damage occurs as a result of violating policy conditions, the insurance company will not cover the same.

6. Other United India Insurance Plans

United India Fire Insurance:

A fire policy covers any damage to a residential or commercial location caused due to a fire, explosion, lightning, hurricane, cyclone, and any leakage from water equipment. Such policies do not cover any damage caused by war, invasion or nuclear activity.

  • Fire Floater Policy
  • Fire Floater Declaration Policy
  • Fire Loss Of Profit Policy
  • Standard Fire And Special Perils Policy
  • Fire Declaration Policy

United India Marine Insurance:

Marine insurance covers damage to the transit of goods via water, land, air, courier or rail. Policies are available for one-time transportation of cargo or for long term use.

  • Marine Cargo
  • Marine Hull

United India Industrial Insurance:

An industrial insurance policy covers various machinery and equipment used in an industrial setup. Any damage caused while set up and testing of equipment is also covered. The policy can be bought by a financial institution or by the owner of the machinery.

  • Machinery Breakdown Policy
  • Industrial All Risk Policy
  • Contractors Plant & Machinery Policy
  • Deterioration Of Stock
  • Electronic Equipment Policy
  • Boiler And Pressure Plant Policy

United India Liability Insurance:

A liability policy protects the insured policy from various forms of third-party liability arising from product recall, failure to perform tasks as promised to the public or accidents on the worksite.

  • Product Liability Policy
  • Professional Indemnity Policy
  • Public Liability Policy
  • Workmen Compensation Insurance

United India Micro Insurance:

This set of insurance policies cover different types of rural functions and offer additional protection to the insured in case of any damage or loss.

  • Agricultural Pump Set Insurance Policy
  • Animal Driven Cart Insurance Policy
  • Bhagyashree Child Welfare Scheme Policy
  • Cattle And Livestock Insurance
  • Dairy Package Policy
  • Farmers Package Policy
  • Floriculture Insurance
  • Gramin Accident Policy
  • Honey Bee Insurance
  • Hut Insurance
  • Jan Arogya Bima Policy
  • Raja Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojana
  • Rural Accident Policy
  • Rural Women’s Package Policy
  • Sericulture Insurance
  • Swathya Bima Policy
  • Uni Micro Insurance Policy
  • Universal Health Insurance Scheme

7. United India All Risk Policy

United India Business Insurance:

  • Shop Keepers Policy
  • Burglary Policy
  • Jewellers Block Policy
  • Money In Transit Policy

United India Travel Insurance:

  • Baggage Insurance
  • Marga Bhandu Policy

Other Policies:

  • Dukan Mithra Policy
  • All Risk Policy
  • Bankers Indemnity Policy
  • Compact Policy
  • Directors Or Officers Policy
  • Fidelity Guarantee Policy
  • Film Product Policy
  • Gun Insurance Policy
  • House Holders Policy
  • Lift Insurance Policy
  • Money Insurance Policy
  • Plate Glass Insurance Policy
  • Students Safety Insurance Policy
  • TV Insurance Policy
  • Uni Study Care Insurance Policy

United India Rural Insurance:

  • Cattle And Livestock Policy
  • Agricultural Pump Set Policy
  • Poultry Insurance Policy
  • Gramin Accident Policy
  • Plantation Insurance
  • Animal Driven Cart Or Tongo Policy

United India Social Insurance:

  • Janatha Personal Accident Policy
  • Bhagyashree Policy
  • Raja Rajeshwari Policy
  • Mother Teresa Women And Children Policy

8. United India Credit Insurance Policy

The credit insurance policy is geared towards protecting businesses from fraud or any act of dishonesty by an employee. The policy does not cover the related damages in case of the employee’s death or retirement. Only one claim can be filed for one incident of fraud or dishonesty.


Omp For Business And Holiday:

This overseas policy covers all expenses that occur due to an accident or disease while traveling abroad. Anyone going on a business trip or a leisure trip can get insured under this policy. The policy pays for medical expenses, repatriation, and loss of passport while out of the country. Different plans are available based on the geographical location of the traveller. 

Omp For Corporate Frequent Traveler:

For the frequent traveler, an insurance policy like this can be extremely beneficial. The policy covers any medical expenses for disease or injury occurring during a trip abroad. The policy offers different plans with different covers based on the location of the insured individual. 

Omp For Employment And Studies:

Any individual going abroad for work or studies can be insured under this plan. Any individual between 5 and 60 years of age is eligible to be insured under this policy. The policy can last between # months to a year. Medical expenses arising from an accident or illness abroad are covered by this policy.

10. United India Home Insurance

The home insurance policy specifically covers any damage to a residential building, it’s contents or other valuables caused due to an accidental fire. If the fire is caused deliberately by the insured or the insured family, the company will not offer any compensation.

Purchase A Policy Swiftly On The United India Portal

On the official website, you can buy a policy very easily. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. On the website of the insurance company, hover over PRODUCTS and select BUY NEW POLICY under the type of insurance you wish to purchase.
  1. Choose the type of package you wish to purchase.
  1. Provide your personal details such as name, contact number, email address, and, the relevant details according to the type of policy you’re purchasing. Details will vary from policy to policy. E.g., In case you are going for a personal accident policy, you will have to add nominees and for motor insurance you have to have your car number, make, model, etc, handy.
  1. Select any add-ons if you need them.
  1. Once you receive the quote, pay the premium and receive the policy document in your email inbox within seconds.

How To Renew Your United India Policy?

If your policy is about to expire, or already has, you can easily renew it on the official United India website. Just follow these simple steps

  1. On United India’s website, hover over the PRODUCTS tab and select RENEW under the policy you wish to purchase.
  1. Provide details of your previous policy.
  1. Go through the policy offerings and select any add-ons if you want. You can customize the policy according to your requirements.
  1. Pay the premium and get the renewed policy document via email.

How To File A Claim For Your United India Insurance Policy?

You can file a claim online. Simply log in with your registered mobile number on the insurance provider’s website and provide the requisite details, forms, and documents.

While the claim process will differ from policy to policy, the first step to filing any claim is to intimate your insurance provider of an impending claim against your policy.

Motor Insurance Claim Process:

Contact the policy issuing office of United India Insurance immediately if the accident takes place in the same city. If elsewhere, then contact any nearest office so that the mandatory spot survey is arranged. If there are any third-party injuries or deaths, please inform the nearest police station.

After completing all formalities, you may tow the vehicle to any authorised workshop and obtain an estimate, which needs to be submitted to the company along with the claim form.

After the repairs are done, you have to submit the cash bills for the spare parts and labour and claim reimbursement.

Fire and Engineering Insurance Claim Process:

  • Immediately inform the nearest company office.
  • Fill up the claim form and submit the same.
  • Submit other necessary documents, evidence, etc. to the survey officer. The officer may ask for copies of licenses and permits to ascertain all the procedures are conducted within the ambit of the laws.
  • Necessary information should be given to the local police and civil authorities as per the law.
  • Once the surveyor submits the survey report, you may go through it and remain in touch with the company office for speedy settlement.

Health Insurance Claim Process:

For Cashless Facility:

  • Check if the hospital falls under the network of hospitals.
  • In case of planned hospitalisation, intimate the TPA in advance with various details.
  • In case of emergency hospitalisation, intimate the TPA immediately on admission.
  • After admission, the hospital sends a pre-authorisation request to the TPA.
  • After discharge, please pay the difference of the amount disallowed under the policy.

You can claim the pre and post hospitalisation expenses separately after the treatment.

For Reimbursement Claims:

Send a written intimation to the TPA immediately, and within 24 hours of hospitalisation in case of emergency hospitalisation.

Before discharge, obtain all relevant documents such as discharge summary, copy of the investigation report, etc from the hospital authorities and submit the originals to the TPA or the company within 7 days from the date of discharge.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can get in touch with United India using the following information:

Registered Office: United India Insurance Co. Ltd., 24, Whites Road, Chennai – 600014

Head Office: United India Insurance Co. Ltd., #19, Nungambakkam High Road, IV Lane, Chennai – 600034, Ph :91-044-28575200

Customer Support

You can also reach out on the official Twitter handle – @UnitedIndiaInsu

Yes, you can. Just fill in a few details to get a medical insurance quote from United India Insurance, pay the premium, and get the policy document in your email inbox instantly.

Marine insurance provides coverage for marine cargo while in transit against risks faced while transiting via sea, air, road, rail, or inland waterways.