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Car Insurance Plans

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Reliance General Insurance Company

Reliance General Insurance Company, founded on August 17, 2000, is one of the largest insurance providers in the country, providing a wide range of insurance solutions for auto, health, home, property, travel, marine, commercial, and other specialty products to people, businesses, and SMEs.

The insurance company has over 139 offices and more than 28,900 intermediaries around the country, where its staff is dedicated to providing cutting-edge products and unparalleled customer care. Unlike most insurance businesses, which have foreign partners, Reliance Capital is the only promoter of the company. This insurer’s goal is to create affordable insurance plans that are available to everyone.

Key Facts of The Company

Here are the key highlights of Reliance General Insurance company;

Solvency Ratio 1.52%
Premium Underwritten 7,465.04 (2019-20)
No. of Branches 139+
Network Garages6200 +
Network Hospitals8000+
Corporate AddressReliance General Insurance, Correspondence Unit, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Winway Building, 11/12, Block No-4, Old No-67, South Tukoganj, Near Madhumilan Square, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India – 452001​

Awards and Recognitions

The 12th Customer Fest Show, 2020:

  • Best Digital Customer Experience​​
  • Best Experiential Marketing Communication of the Year for Campaign “TAP & BUY”​​

Insurance Alerts Excellence Awards 2020:

  • The Innovative Product of the Year – Spectacle Insurance​
  • Asia’s Best Insurance Company

The Economic Times Best Brands for the Year 2020:

  • ​The Best Brand of the Year (Insurance)​

5th Annual Insurance India Awards 2020:

  • ​The Product Innovator of the Year – Health Infinity Insurance​


  • ​Gold in Best Use of Instagram, Regional (Stop Honking)

Reliance General Insurance Plans

Reliance General Insurance offers three different types of insurance plans that perfectly cater to your respective needs and budget.

1. Reliance Motor Insurance Plans

Reliance General Insurance understands the value of your vehicle and offers automobile insurance coverage to protect it in the event of an unexpected catastrophe. You can select from a variety of end-to-end motor insurance policies, which include the following:

Car Own Damage (OD only) Policy:

Own Damage (OD) protects you against damage to your car caused by events such as fire, theft, and vandalism. In the event of an accident, your damage policy reimburses you for the cost of repairing or replacing pieces of your automobile that were damaged in the collision. This policy pays for damages to your car caused by natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, and more. Apart from that, you’ll be protected against man-made disasters such as riots, terror attacks, vandalism, or even damage to your automobile or its contents in the event of an accident, theft, or malicious acts. Explosion, Frost, Inundation, Hailstorm, Terrorism, Self-Ignition, Lightning, Cyclone, Tempest, Rockslide, Typhoon, Hurricane, Landslide, Transit by Rail, Road, Air, & Elevator are some of the inclusions in-car own damage policy.

Car Insurance:

Car insurance, often known as auto or motor insurance, is a type of insurance that covers you if your car is damaged due to an accident, theft, or natural or man-made disaster. Car insurance also protects you financially if you cause harm to a third-party person or property.

Third-party Liability Insurance:

Third-party liability insurance is required by law and is a basic element of any vehicle’s insurance policy. When it comes to purchasing car insurance coverage, many consumers are unsure whether they should go with a comprehensive or third-party policy. While a comprehensive car insurance policy protects your automobile from damage caused by events unrelated to an accident or collision, third-party liability car insurance protects you against any legal liability arising from damage or injury caused to a third party by the insured.

Commercial Vehicle:

Whether you own and operate a business vehicle yourself or hire someone else to do so, you are fully liable for it. It’s usually a good idea to acquire Commercial Vehicle Insurance, in this case, to be safe. Riot, strike, Earthquake, Malicious Act, Landslide, rockslide, Burglary, Fire explosion, self-ignition or lightning, flood, typhoon, housebreaking, theft, hurricane, storm, tempest, and other incidents and losses are all covered by the policy.

Long Term Car Insurance:

Long-Term Auto Insurance Coverage simplifies the tedious chore of renewing your car insurance policy each year. This policy allows you to insure your prized automobile for up to three years without having to worry about annual renewals. You can benefit from a No Claim Bonus that increases year after year until the discount reaches a stunning 50%.

Commercial Car (Taxi) Insurance:

Reliance Taxi Insurance policy is distinct from typical insurance policies in that it handles things differently, which makes a big difference for you! Knowing what you’re covered for will help you avoid unexpected costs and provide you with the most peace of mind.

Bus Insurance:

School buses and private buses are among the types of buses covered by bus insurance policies (owned by private organizations for their employees). As a bus owner, you should purchase a comprehensive plan with important add-on coverage so that you can rest easy knowing that you are financially protected against the cost of repairs in the event of damage.

Two-Wheeler Own Damage (OD only) Policy:

Own Damage (OD) protects you against damage to your car caused by events such as fire, theft, and vandalism. In the event of an accident, your damage policy reimburses you for the cost of repairing or replacing pieces of your two-wheeler that were damaged in the collision.

Two-Wheeler Insurance:

Two-Wheeler Insurance, often known as Bike Insurance, is a policy that protects your two-wheeler or bike from financial loss due to accidents, natural disasters, theft, or other major catastrophes. It also protects you from any obligations that may arise as a result of damage to a third party’s property or person. While our basic two-wheeler insurance plan provides adequate coverage, you can enhance your two-wheeler insurance protection by purchasing add-on covers.

Long Term Two-Wheeler Insurance:

This Long-Term Two-Wheeler Insurance eliminates the inconvenience of having to renew your coverage every year. This policy allows you to insure your favorite brand-new vehicle for two, three, or five years. If you drive carefully throughout the year, you will have no claims. Depending on your preferences, you may be able to transfer this benefit to your new vehicle.

Third-party Liability Insurance:

It protects the insured against third-party property damage and offers liability coverage in the event of a third-party accident or death. Simply put, if the other party is uninsured or underinsured, this coverage protects you. A third-party policy, on the other hand, does not cover the cost of any damage to your vehicle or personal goods if you are involved in an accident.

2. Reliance Health Insurance Plans

When we talk about Reliance General health insurance policies, the company provides the following health insurance plans to the people:

Hospi Care Insurance Policy:

Hospi Cash is a health insurance policy that protects customers from untimely death or incapacity as a result of an accident or disease. This coverage will offer a lump sum payment for medical expenses. It would provide sum-insured options ranging from 1 lakh to 10 lakh, with an annual price as low as $1,669 including taxes.

Health Super Top-Up:

When your hospitalization claim bill exceeds your predetermined deductible limit, which you might pay from your existing health coverage or out of pocket, Reliance General Insurance brings you an incredible solution that will provide you with the financial cushioning you need. The good news is that even if you don’t have health insurance, you can get this product.

Arogya Sanjeevani:

The Arogya Sanjeevani policy is a simple to purchase plan that covers all of your inpatient hospitalization needs with a variety of sum-insured options ranging from $50,000 to $10,000,000. It’s an Arogya Sanjeevani health plan that’s simple and reasonable, and it’s tailored to match your insurance needs. The policy covers medical expenses such as room rent, ICU fees, medical practitioner fees, OT fees, nursing fees, and other expenses incurred when hospitalized for more than 24 hours due to illness or accident.

Health Infinity:

Reliance Health Infinity Insurance comes to the rescue – a policy that always goes above and beyond what you would anticipate from a health insurance coverage. You’ll be covered for 90 days before and 180 days after a hospitalization, which is the most in the health insurance category!

Personal Accident:

Personal Accident Insurance provides financial assistance in the event of bodily injuries resulting in total or partial incapacity or death as a result of an accident. This policy protects an individual’s and his family’s financial security in the event that he or she is wounded or dies in an accident. It pays for your medical bills and compensates you if you become disabled or die as a result of an accident.


Reliance HealthWise Coverage is a cheap and comprehensive policy that assists you in taking care of the most important element of your life: your health! You get the R card when you buy a HealthWise policy! It’s good for more than just filing claims; it also gets you great discounts and bargains on a variety of health and lifestyle products and services.

Health Gain:

HealthGain is a Reliance General Insurance health insurance policy that offers cashless hospitalization, reinstatement of the base sum insured, pre and post hospitalization expenses, and a variety of other advantages. Domestic Road Ambulance, Domiciliary Hospitalization, Re-instatement of base sum insured, claim service assurance, Accidental death cover for no claim renewal, and Health Insurance Renewal are only a few of the benefits covered by the policy.

Critical Illness:

A Critical Illness Policy is a type of insurance that is meant to protect a specific person from a life-threatening illness. A critical illness policy is meant to pay a lump sum payment to cover all of these costs. Furthermore, the good news is that this lump sum payment is in addition to any existing health insurance coverage.


Reliance General Insurance provides comprehensive health care services and wellness initiatives to meet your healthcare needs. RHealthCircle is a Wellness Incentive Program that will help you reap the benefits of your efforts to keep fit and healthy, allowing you to achieve the highest level of well-being.

Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy:

A complete health insurance plan for a group of employees working for the same company. When compared to traditional individual health plans, the premiums are lower and cheaper, and the coverage begins the next day. Individual coverage is included in the policy. Pre-existing conditions are covered, as well as maternity benefits, room rent, road ambulance fees, and day-care procedures.

Corona Rakshak Insurance:

The Reliance General Corona Rakshak Policy is a low-cost health insurance policy that provides a lump-sum reward to the insured if they are diagnosed with COVID-19. The insurance coverage begins the day you are diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. However, there is a 15-day waiting time with this health insurance.

Corona Kavach Insurance:

Corona Kavach Policy, Reliance General is a low-cost health insurance policy that protects you and your family from COVID-19-related hospitalization costs. The insurance coverage begins the day you are diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. However, there is a 15-day waiting time with this health insurance. To name a few things, the policy covers Covid-19, Hospitalization Expenses, Home Care, and Treatment Expenses.

Saral Suraksha Bima:

Reliance General’s Saral Suraksha Bima provides a lumpsum reward of up to 100% of the sum insured value. On an Individual Sum Insured basis, the insurance can be purchased for an individual or a family for a policy duration of one year with lifelong renewal.

Digital Care Policy:

Reliance – Digital Care Management is one-of-its-kind OPD policy that aims to protect the insured against routine medical expenses incurred during Outpatient Treatment. Under the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) sandbox standards, the product was picked as one of the few appropriate and innovative products.

Reliance general insurance offers a multitude of travel insurance plans to individuals that perfectly cater to their needs and budget.

International Travel Insurance:

The insurance policy covers things like misplaced passports, checked bags, and trip delays, among other things. The organization has customized programs for family travels, lone travelers, senior citizens, and students studying abroad, as well as plans specifically created for Asia, Schengen, the United States and Canada, and other countries. Whether you’re traveling on a vacation or a business trip, their travel insurance products include ‘pack in’ maximum coverage for many situations.

Schengen Travel Insurance:

A person travelling to any European country is required to get a Schengen travel insurance policy. You also gain access to multiple Schengen nations, including Switzerland, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, and others. A minimum of Euro 30,000 in medical coverage is required to obtain a Schengen Visa.

Asia Travel Insurance:

Traveling throughout gorgeous Asian nations like Thailand, Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, and China could be a wonderful experience if you have the correct Reliance Asia Travel Insurance. Remember that the insured must be at least 3 months old and can be up to 60 years old. The trip’s maximum duration is 30 days.

Annual Multi-Trip Travel Insurance:

Annual multi-trip travel insurance provides you with flexible coverage for all of your visits abroad throughout the year. This policy’s coverage is comparable to that of a single-trip travel insurance plan. It does, however, save the trouble of purchasing individual travel insurance for each trip. Switching to Reliance yearly multi-trip travel insurance is significantly less expensive, saving you up to Rs. 3400.

Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Plan:

It also protects you against other common travel hazards such as personal injury and baggage loss. Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Plan lets you stay compliant with the law while also providing coverage that is tailored to your individual needs. The best present you can give your parents in their golden years.

Student Travel Insurance:

This comprehensive travel insurance package covers medical bills, stay disruption, baggage-related hazards, and travel-related risks. A Student Travel Policy will be provided solely to students who are taking academic courses overseas and are between the ages of 16 and 35.

4. Reliance Corporate/Rural/Liability Insurance Plans

Here are some of the other insurance plans you need to consider;

Doctors – Professional Indemnity Insurance:

Professional indemnity insurance functions as a safety net, shielding you and your company from financial claims made by unhappy consumers. The policy will cover all legal costs associated with defending your status in the event of a negligence action being filed against you. The policy offers coverage for claims originating from bodily injury/death or legal actions brought by or alleged to be brought by error, omission, or negligence.

Employee’s Compensation Insurance Policy:

The Employee Compensation policy stipulates that if an employee suffers personal damage as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of their job, the employer must compensate them (or their family in the case of fatal accidents).

Marine Cargo Insurance Policy:

The Marine Cargo Insurance policy protects these commodities from a variety of potential accidents, allowing you to continue operating your trade/business without interruption. Sellers, Buyers, Import/Export merchants, Contractors, Banks, or anybody involved in the import and export of commodities or their transit within the country, or who has an insurable interest in it, can take it.

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana:

The policy protects farmers against a wide range of agricultural losses that are unforeseeable. The course’s major goal is to give farmers insurance coverage and financial assistance in the event that any of the notified crops fails, while also pushing farmers to adopt creative and advanced agricultural practices.

Contractors Plant and Machinery Policy:

The insurance policy protects your firm against any potential loss of revenue due to damage to plant and machinery, as well as the costs of repair and replacement. This policy is intended to cover physical loss or damage to various insured equipment and machinery that are employed on the job site. This coverage covers the following: -Insured plant and machinery against any physical damage resulting from any cause. However, you can purchase the policy after the apparatus has been successfully commissioned.

Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy:

This policy protects you from financial loss or property damage as a result of a fire or other covered peril. The Standard Fire and Special Dangers policy protect insured property such as buildings, contents, and stock against fire as well as many other calamities (such as natural and man-made perils) as specified in the policy.

Public Liability (Act) Insurance Policy:

The Public Liability Act of 1991 enables individuals, commercial, industrial, and other organizations that handle hazardous goods and substances to provide immediate relief to persons injured as a result of an accident caused by such hazardous substances on a ‘No-Fault Liability’ basis through insurance. The Reliance Public Liability (Act) Insurance Policy gives quick assistance to anyone who owns, controls, or handles hazardous substances under the Act’s provisions and is required to have Public Liability (Act) insurance.

Director’s and Officer’s Liability Insurance:

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance protects past, present, and future profit and non-profit company Directors and Officers/Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) from damages stemming from alleged or actual inadvertent unlawful conduct undertaken in their managerial role.​

In the event of any actual or alleged unintentional error, misstatement, omission, misleading statement, or breach of duty, the Director’s and Officer’s Liability Insurance Policy protects directors, officers, and staff.

Reliance Contractor All Risk:

This coverage protects the insured against loss or damage caused by a sudden and unforeseeable occurrence while working on a civil construction project. It also covers the acquisition of building supplies, plants, machinery, and tools for project use and storage at the project site.

Reliance Erection All Risk:

The Reliance Erection All Risks/Storage-cum-Erection Insurance policy provides continuous coverage for your project from the time the first consignments arrive on site until the final testing of machinery, plant, and equipment. It protects the company from risks such as fire, lightning, and natural disasters that could cause physical loss or damage to contract work.

Shopkeepers Package Policy:

Under the Personal Accident part, it covers risks related to the store owner’s employees, such as accidental injury or death. Employee infidelity and dishonesty may also be covered, as well as legal liability to third parties on the premises. Shop owners can choose coverage from several sections of the Reliance Shopkeeper’s Insurance Policy based on their needs, budget, and preferences.

Why To Choose Plans from Reliance General Insurance Company?

Reliance General Insurance Company is the insurance part of the Reliance Group, a significant Indian conglomerate. The following are some of the reasons why you should think about Reliance General Insurance’s plan.

Additional Benefit of Free Health Checkup:

All of Reliance General’s policies have a health checkup option. This service allows you to get free health check-ups at regular intervals so that you can keep track of your health and take precautions against any illnesses.

Cashless Benefit:

Reliance General has partnered with over 8,000 hospitals throughout the country to provide cashless treatments to its members. It relieves customers of the financial burden of medical charges by settling their medical bills directly with the hospital.

Claim Settlement Ratio:

Reliance General makes every effort to resolve all allegations against it. That is why the company’s Claim Settlement Ratio is so high. This ratio also gives policyholders peace of mind by assuring them that their claims will be honored by the insurance firm. It’s worth noting that the claim settlement ratio fluctuates over time.

Coverage Against Medical Expenses:

Reliance’s health plans all include a wide range of coverage. They include hospitalization fees, treatments received, ambulance costs, expenses incurred after being discharged from the hospital, and expenses incurred before being admitted to the hospital. In addition, certain plans offered by the organization include coverage for maternity-related charges, severe sickness, non-allopathic treatments, and so on.

Tax Benefit:

One of the biggest benefits of Reliance General health insurance plans is that their premiums paid are allowed as a tax-free deduction from the taxable income. This deduction is authorized under Section 80D, which allows individuals to deduct up to Rs. 25,000 and senior citizens up to Rs. 30,000.

Additional Protection Over Employer Coverage:

Reliance’s health insurance policies are available to employees who are covered by their employer’s group health plans. Reliance’s independent health insurance policies would allow consumers to increase their coverage while also allowing them to choose coverage benefits that are not available via their employer’s group health plan.

How Can You File a Claim for Reliance General Insurance Policies?

For each type of Reliance General insurance policy, the claim process is different. Let’s take a look at them one by one:

1. For Motor (Cashless & Reimbursement):

If you are looking to claim your motor insurance, you can choose either of the two ways;

Cashless Claim Process:

The company aim to make the car/bike insurance claim process as smooth as possible for your convenience. Here’s how the process of filing a motor insurance claim works.

  • Firstly, as soon as you have a car insurance claim, call company’s toll-free helpline at 1800 3009 to report it.
  • After that, any of the company’s approved network facilities would fix your vehicle.
  • Submit the relevant documents to the surveyor.
  • Once you are done submitting the documents, the company verifies its liability.
  • If you choose the cashless option, have your vehicle repaired at one of our company-approved facilities.
  • The company will pay the garage directly for the repair fees up to the amount due.
  • Finally, the vehicle will be delivered.

Reimbursement Claim Process: 

  • When it comes to the reimbursement facility, you can easily call Toll-free Helpline no. 1800 3009 to register your motor insurance claim.
  • For repair, you can take your vehicle to any of the authorized networks or non-network and then submit the required documents to the surveyor.
  • Once the company confirmed its liability, you can then send the bills and claim form to the surveyor/company for settlement if you are eligible for compensation.

2. Health Insurance (Cashless & Reimbursement):

If you are looking to claim your motor insurance, you can choose either of the two ways.

Cashless Claim Process:

  • If you’re unfortunately admitted to one of the hospitals in the Reliance General Insurance Network, simply show your Reliance Health Card at the hospital’s TPA helpdesk.
  • In case of emergency hospitalization, you can simply request a pre-authorization document from the hospital.
  • When it comes to planned hospitalization, you can coordinate with your doctor and the hospital and provide RCare Health /TPA all the details about your anticipated hospitalization (including the plan of treatment, cost estimates etc.)
  • After that, you need to complete the “Cashless Request Form” (available in all the network hospitals at the TPA desk).
  • Then, you need to bring the authorization form and a copy of your health card to the hospital (ensure to have a photo ID at this time).
  • For non-emergency and planned hospitalization, the hospital must fax or email the pre-authorization form to RCare Health/TPA along with the appropriate medical information.
  • The hospital will then verify and sign all bills with the insured/claimant.
  • You can return to the hospital with the original discharge summary and any further investigative reports. Make sure you keep a photocopy of the original for your records.

Reimbursement Claim Process:

  • Obtain a hospital admission.
  • You can then report the claim as quickly as possible to the RCare Health phone center by email.
  • At the time of discharge, gather all original bills, paperwork, and reports.
  • Fill out the claim form and attach the needed documents as specified in the claim form to submit your claim to RCare Health/TPA for processing and reimbursement.

For planned hospitalization, you can submit your claim for processing and reimbursement to RCare Health/TPA.

3. Travel Insurance:

To file a claim against your travel insurance, you must notify (making a call at +91 22 48903009 or mail at the insurer as soon as possible after submitting all relevant papers and a properly completed claim form. Alternatively, you can re-submit any further documents requested by the company. After then, the insurer will review the documentation before paying the insured person.

4. Other Plans:

Simply dial +91 22 48903009 (from within India) or +91 7400422200 (from outside India). In 10 minutes, you will receive a call from the company. You will then receive an email with a link to your registered email address or phone number. After that, you need to upload any required documents, as well as your bank account information. Finally, the firm will handle the rest of the claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

The departure of any employee has no bearing on your policy benefits or service. You can reach out to us at 022- 48903009. For insurance servicing, please email us at

The refund procedure has not changed. The money will be repaid into your source account up to 180 days after the policy is issued, and it will be credited into your personalized account after 180 days.

Yes, all RGICL branches will handle your policy and reply to any questions you may have.

The current terms and conditions will take precedence. The terms and conditions of the firm to which the policy is migrated will apply once the policy is ported and renewed.

To make any changes to your existing policy, please contact RGICL at the following phone numbers or email address:

  • Phone Number: 022- 48903009
  • Email ID: rgicl.rhiservices@

On the RGICL website, you can find a list of Network Hospitals. All of the country’s major hospitals are part of the cashless network.

Existing Reliance Health Insurance Company Limited (RHICL) policies will be transferred to Reliance General Insurance Company Limited (RGICL), or customers can choose to transfer their health insurance policies to another health insurer or general insurer. If your policy has been migrated to RGICL, you can pay your renewal premium at any RGICL branch or online.