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maharashtra rto

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Maharashtra (MH) RTO

Maharashtra’s RTO offices enforce the regulations outlined in the laws governing road transport and safety in the state. The authority undertakes numerous responsibilities including but not limited to issuing driving licenses, vehicle permits, and registration certificates, collecting taxes, and ensuring the laws under its purview are followed.

Functions Carried Out By The Maharashtra RTO

The Maharashtra RTO undertakes the following tasks:

Driving License-related Functions:

The RTO issues and renews motor driving licenses to common drivers as well as conductor licenses to the expert drivers. Before issuing any licenses, the RTO conducts driving tests.

Vehicle-related Functions:

Under this, the RTO undertakes the registration and issuance of fitness certificates of both the permanent and temporary vehicles that ply on Indian roads, the grant of various permits to the commercial vehicles, collecting tax for motor vehicles, and issuing and renewing permits of passengers and goods vehicle permits.

Registering Motor Vehicles:

Some of the tasks under this include:

  • Grating permits to commercial vehicles
  • Updating registration certificate
  • Certificate of a motor vehicle
  • Transfer of ownership in registration
  • Registration certificate for motor vehicles
  • Vehicle fitness certificate
  • Issuing and renewing trade certificate
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC)
  • Temporary registration certificate

Revenue Collection For The Government:

A few tastes and fees levies for motor vehicle owners such as:

  • DA (Departmental Action) Cases
  • IMV fee collection
  • Motor vehicle tax

Road Welfare-related Functions:

Initiatives and projects to ensure road safety, control traffic during crucial events like emergencies, elections, etc., take measures to curb vehicular pollution, and upkeep of traffic facilities like traffic signs.

How To Register A Vehicle In Maharashtra?

Registering your motor vehicle at the concerned RTO is compulsory according to the law. When you purchase the vehicle you get a temporary registration from the showroom or dealer which has a validity of seven days. After this, you can either extend the registration or apply for permanent registration which is valid for 15 years. The documents needed for this permanent registration include:

  • ID and address proof like PAN card or Aadhaar card
  • The owner’s passport size photo
  • Temporary registration certificate, if applicable
  • Customs Clearance certificate for an imported vehicle
  • Sale certificate is the previous owner was ex-army
  • STA design approval is the vehicle is semi-trailer or trailer
  • A valid insurance certificate
  • Forms like 20, 21, 22, and 34
  • Application fee

Process To Follow For Registration

  1. Visit the Maharashtra RTO with the documents and filled forms as given above.
  1. Submit them along with the needed fee.
  1. Once the documents are verified, you will be given an RTO registration number and receipt which is proof until the final registration certificate reaches you.
  1. To make things easier, you can also complete this process online on the official RTO website.

Transfer of Vehicle Ownership in Maharashtra

The transfer of ownership of any vehicle in Maharashtra requires registration with the RTO. If the sale is taking place within the same RTO office area, the authorities must be intimated within 14 days. If the sale takes place in another jurisdiction, the RTOs must be intimated within 30 days.

To Apply For Transfer of Ownership You Have To:

  1. Fill in the requisite forms available on the Maharashtra RTO website – Form 29 (2 copies), Form 30 TCA, Form TCR (for transport vehicles only).
  1. Visit the Parivahan website.
  1. Select Maharashtra under state and then select the RTO where you wish to transfer the registration.
  1. Click on apply for transfer of ownership, change of address, hypothecation [addition/continuation/termination], duplicate RC.
  1. Enter your car’s registration number and chassis number.
  1. Fill in the requisite details and make the payment for the fees being charged.
  1. Print out a copy of the fee receipt and any other online forms.
  1. Visit the RTO with the original as well as copies of the requisite documents.

Transfer of ownership can happen under several circumstances. For each of them, different forms and documents are required.

To Transfer Ownership Through The Sale Of The Vehicle:

  • NOC in Form 28 if the vehicle is originally registered in a different state
  • Proof of address
  • IT declaration of the seller as well as the buyer (except for the transfer of ownership of two-wheeler vehicles)
  • All other valid documents of the vehicle

If the vehicle ownership is being transferred due to the death of the owner, the following forms and documents are required.

  • Form 30
  • Form 31
  • Death certificate of the owner
  • Certificate of succession
  • An affidavit from the successor
  • Proof of address
  • All valid vehicle documents

If the vehicle ownership is being transferred through public auction –

  • Form 30
  • Form 32
  • Certified copy of the order issued by government officials authorizing the auction
  • Order signed by the authorized officials to conduct the auction confirming the sale of the vehicle in favor of the buyer
  • Proof of address
  • All valid documents of the vehicle

For transfer of ownership to the financier –

  • Form 30
  • Form 36
  • Proof of possession of the vehicle by the financier
  • Proof verifying that no case concerning the vehicle is pending in the court of law
  • NOC from the registered owner
  • Address proof
  • All valid documents of the vehicle

Maharashtra RTO Codes

RTO RegionCode
RTO Mumbai (Central)MH 01
RTO Mumbai (West)MH 02
Dy RTO BorivaliMH 47
RTO Mumbai (East)MH 03
RTO PanvelMH 45
Dy RTO PenMH 06
Dy RTO SindhudurgMH 07
Dy RTO RatnagiriMH 08
RTO ThaneMH 04
Dy RTO KalyanMH 05
Dy RTO VashiMH 43
Dy RTO VasaiMH 48
RTO KolhapurMH 09
Dy RTO SangliMH 10
Dy RTO SataraMH 11
Dy RTO KaradMH 50
RTO PuneMH 12
Dy RTO SolapurMH 13
Dy RTO Pimpri-ChinchwadMH 14
Dy RTO BaramatiMH 42
Dy RTO AklujMH 45
RTO NashikMH 15
Dy RTO AhmednagarMH 16
Dy RTO ShrirampurMH 17
Dy RTO MalegaonMH 41
RTO DhuleMH 18
Dy RTO JalgaonMH 19
Dy RTO NandurbarMH 39
RTO AurangabadMH 20
Dy RTO JalnaMH 21
Dy RTO BeedMH 23
RTO LaturMH 24
Dy RTO OsmanabadMH 25
Dy RTO AmbajogaiMH 44
RTO NandedMH 26
Dy RTO ParbhaniMH 22
Dy RTO HingoliMH 38
RTO AmravatiMH 27
Dy RTO BuldhanaMH 28
Dy RTO YavatmalMH 29
Dy RTO AkolaMH 30
Dy RTO WashimMH 37
RTO Nagpur (Urban)MH 31
Dy RTO WardhaMH 32
Dy RTO Nagpur (E)MH 49
RTO Nagpur (Rural)MH 40
Dy RTO GadchiroliMH 33
Dy RTO ChandrapurMH 34
Dy RTO GondiaMH 35
Dy RTO BhandaraMH 36

Contact Details Of Central Mumbai RTO

Old Bodyguard Lane, Tulsiwadi, Tardeo, Mumbai – 400 034

Phone number – 1800 120 8040, 022 / 23532337, 022 / 23534600, 022 / 23534601, 022 / 23516602

Email ID –

Maharashtra State RTO FAQs

1. What types of licenses and license services does the Maharashtra RTO provide?

Maharashtra’s RTOs provide the following services on licenses –

  • Learning license
  • Permanent driving license – new and renewal
  • Duplicate license
  • International driving permit
  • Disqualification and revocation

2. Are any vehicles or vehicle classes exempted from paying tax to Maharashtra's RTOs?

The following vehicles are 100% tax exempted by the Maharashtra RTOs.

  • Vehicles that belong to the government – state, local, municipal corporation
  • Ambulances running on no loss and no profit basis
  • Invalid carriage
  • Vehicles that are under non-use
  • Tractors and trailers used for agriculture purposes

The following vehicles receive a 2/3rd exemption on tax rates.

  • Vehicles used only for transporting school children – can be owned by a school or privately by a person
  • Vehicles belonging to entertainment groups like orchestras, tamasha mandals, drama theatres, etc.

The Following Vehicles Receive 1/3rd Rebate on Tax:

  • Vehicles that are used to ferry school children as well as for other contracts – owned by a private person