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force car insurance inner

Car Insurance Plans

Vehicle registration number is required. Invalid registration number.Sample: DL-01-KY-3053
Previous Insurer is required.
Previous Policy Number is required.
Old quotation number is required. Invalid quotation number.Sample: PIBLMTRPC000000000000000

Why to Insure Your Force Motors?

Force Motors are great on Indian roads, which is why there are so many of them. But with Four-wheeler insurance, you can:

  • Be sure that you’re rightfully compensated if your Force Motors was stolen or damaged beyond repairs.
  • Get coverage for a third-party if your car caused an accident and the third-party was injured or their property damaged.
  • Get comprehensive coverage for your own four-wheeler, in case damages were caused to your vehicle.
  • Be sure that no traffic policeman heavily fines you for not having an insurance policy for your car. Strictly, say no to bribery!

Inclusions Of Car Model

You Are Covered Against the Following:

  • Loss or damage to the vehicle due to an accident
  • Loss or Damage caused to third-party life or property
  • Theft of insured vehicle
  • Damages caused due to natural calamities
  • Damages caused due to man-made calamities

Exclusions Of Car Model

You are NOT covered against the following:

  • Regular wear and tear
  • Depreciation
  • Mechanical & Electrical breakdown
  • Driving with an Invalid or no license
  • Driving under the influence of intoxicants

Add-on Covers For Your Datsun Car

Trim your Comprehensive Car Insurance Premium with these Discounts

No Claim Bonus​:

You are eligible for a NCB discount on your own-damage premium for every claim-free year. You get 20% for the first year and can go as high as 50% over 5 consecutive claim-free years.

Installation of Security Devices:

A lower IDV demands a lower premium to be paid. (But compute wisely, since IDV is the utmost value the insurer can compensate you with).

Membership of AAI:

A membership to any of the recognized Automobile Associations of India can fetch you an extra discount.

Choose the Right IDV:

If you are in the noble profession of teaching or employed in Govt. Services, you are entitled for an additional discount on your own-damage car insurance premium.

How to File a Claim for Your Force Motors

The policy document is a ready reckoner that you can refer for the complete list of documents to be submitted if you have a Car Insurance claim. The documents which you would generally require are:

About Force Motors

Insurance Policy:

  • When a car is insured, it can be legally run on the roads of India.
  • No stress as damages are covered under insurance of the car
  • Medical expenses are also covered in some policies.
    Overall the insurance of a car reduces the financial losses.
  • Did you know, Late Shri Navalmal Kundanmal Firodia?

He was a freedom fighter and an Indian Industrialist and he penned the word Auto rickshaw. The Tempo Matador and the Auto rickshaw, the two models with low cost for public transport was introduced by Late Shri N K Firodia. The Tempo Matador was the first vehicle which was a diesel variant and light commercial one on the roads on India.

FORCE MOTORS’ foundation was done by Late Shri N K Firodia. After the demise of him, his son, Abhay Firodia took over the charge and is currently Chairman of FORCE MOTORS. FORCE MOTORS manufacture Tractors, SUVs, Vans and Pickup Trucks.
Force currently makes a different kind of vehicles. The company is vertically fully integrated with having expertise in development, manufacture and design of every kind of automotive. From Special Utility vehicles to commercial and agricultural vehicles, it manufactures all.

Agricultural Models of Tractor


This tractor comes equipped with extra advanced technology. Orchard DLX and the Orchard Mini are the two variants of Orchard.


The Balwan family has five models which are; Balwan 550, Balwan 450, Balwan 330, Balwan 500 and Balwan 400.

Commercial Models

Passenger Carrier or Light Commercial Vehicles

  • Traveller CNG
  • Traveller Royale
  • Traveller 3050 (Roof: Flat), Traveller 3050 (Super), Traveller 3050 (Roof: Super Flat) & Traveller3050
  • Traveller 26 Bus (School)
  • Traveller 3350 (Super), Traveller 3350 (Wider Body) & Traveller 3350
  • Traveller CitiBus (Smart)
  • Traveller 3350 (School Bus), Traveller 4020 (School Bus) & Traveller 3700 (School Bus)
  • Traveller Ambulance, Traveller Multi- Stretcher Ambulance & Traveller Trauma Ambulance
  • Traveller 4020 Super
  • Traveller 26
  • Traveller 3700 Super

Special Utility Vehicles

  • Gurkha Xplorer
  • Gurkha Expedition

Multi Utility Vehicles

  • Trax Cruiser Van (School)
  • Trax Cruiser
  • Trax Toofan
  • Trax Cruise Deluxe
  • Trax Toofan Deluxe
  • Trax Ambulance

Goods Carrier (Smaller Category)

  • Trax Delivery Van
  • Kargo king

Goods Carrier

  • Traveller Shaktiman
  • Traveller Delivery (Wider Van) & Traveller Delivery (Van)

Force Motors FAQs

Most frequent questions and answers about on Force Motors insurance

Yes, it will be applied as NCB is applied on the driver-owner of the car. NCB doesn’t apply to cars.

Yes, you will have to go for a vehicle inspection to renew.

Yes, you will get alerts for the renewal of the policy.

Yes, it does depend on the capacity of the engine of your car. The cost of the insurance is directly related to its capacity, if the car is of higher capacity, the charge will be high and vice-versa.

In five categories, Force Motors make the vehicles, namely; Passenger Carrier or Light Commercial Vehicles, Special Utility Vehicles, Multi Utility Vehicles, Goods Carrier (smaller category) and Goods Carrier.