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Car Insurance Plans

Vehicle registration number is required. Invalid registration number.Sample: DL-01-KY-3053
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Previous Policy Number is required.
Old quotation number is required. Invalid quotation number.Sample: PIBLMTRPC000000000000000

IFFCO Tokio Car Insurance Renewal

Car insurance protects you against accidents, theft, natural disasters, and other unanticipated events that could cause damage to your vehicle. If you own an IFFCO Tokio Car Insurance, then you may rest assured with the fact that you will get a seamless renewal process, besides the amazing benefits to keep you fully protected. But to avail them on time, you need renew the policy and pay the necessary premium to keep it functional.

Read on to know more about IFFCO Tokio Car Insurance renewal process.

How To Renew Your Car Insurance with IFFCO Tokio Car Insurance?

If you are looking to renew your car insurance with IFFCO Tokio car insurance, make sure you adhere to the following points.

Step 1: Go to the official website of IFFCO Tokio.

Step 2: On the home page, you will see an option of “Renew Your Policy” in the middle. Click on it.

Step 3: You will need to enter the details of Your Vehicle registration number, Policy Number, Mobile Number, and email address.

Step 4: Click on “Search”.

Step 5: You will then get the details of your policy.

Step 6: You can pay with a credit card or an online payment method. After you’ve completed the payment, you’ll receive an email confirming your payment and insurance policy.

Mistakes To Avoid While Renewing Your IFFCO Tokio Car Insurance

The following are the mistakes you should avoid when you are looking to renew your IFFCO Tokio car insurance.

1. Not Renewing your Policy on Time:

One of the most important things to remember when renewing your IFFCO Tokio auto insurance is to get it done on time! If you do not renew your insurance promptly, it will be declared expired, and you will be unable to use any of its benefits. If your insurance lapses and you have a coverage gap, you may face traffic fines and penalties, as well as the loss of all your accrued benefits.

2. Not Sparing the Time To Update or Correct Your Information:

Your insurance provider may not be able to provide you with the finest protection if they do not have the most up-to-date information on you. So, if any information or personal data has changed since you purchased (or last renewed) your insurance, make sure to update them in your policy.

Likewise, if you just discovered that your name was misspelled on the insurance policy or that your date of birth was inaccurate, the time of your IFFCO Tokio car-renewal is the best opportunity to have these data updated. Just keep in mind that you may be required to produce papers to verify the newly revised information.

3. Not Making The Most of Your NCB:

Don’t you believe you should be rewarded if you’ve been a good driver and haven’t been in any accidents while insured by your IFFCO Tokio auto insurance?

Your insurer may offer you a No Claim Bonus, or NCB if you haven’t made any claims during the insurance year. This is a reduction (between 15 and 50 percent) on the premium that you will receive when you renew your policy, and the more claim-free years you have, the greater your discount!

So, when it’s time to renew your insurance, make sure you check to see if you’re eligible for the NCB and that it’s applied to your renewal premium.

4. Not Opting For The Right Add-ons:

When you choose Own Damage or Comprehensive car insurance, you can purchase add-on coverage to provide additional protection for your vehicle.

While these add-ons may increase your price by a tiny amount, they change your insurance into something that is tailored just for you.

If your insurance policy is close to expiring, now is the time to think about adding or deleting any of these coverages, as you can have as many or as few as you wish. Because add-ons might raise your premium, it’s critical to select just those that are appropriate for you and your vehicle.

5. Delaying the Payments for Premiums:

Delays in paying your IFFCO Tokio auto insurance premium might generate a number of issues, which many policyholders are unaware of. To begin with, any delay will affect the amount of premium that must be paid. As a result, policyholders should choose a comprehensive coverage plan that meets all of their requirements. At the same time, make sure that the plan matches your budget, or else it will negate any previously given benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is the list of the frequently asked questions related to IFFCO Tokio Car Insurance Renewal.

Yes, you can get add-on coverage when your insurance policy is renewed by contacting the insurance company.

Yes, you have the option to alter the information in your policy document. You’ll need to request an endorsement from the insurer for this.

If you have any difficulty renewing your car insurance coverage, you can call IFFCO Tokio at 1800-103-5499 for more information on the renewal process.