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Car Insurance Plans

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Universal Sompo Car Insurance Renewal

Car insurance can give you complete peace of mind when you are driving around. Yet, this peace can be disturbed in the most unforeseen way ever! No, we are not talking about car accidents. Forgetting to renew your car insurance policy on time can make you fall severe consequences. A small negligence can rob you of all the benefits and coverage that you have been enjoying till now. Policyholders often blame it on their hectic work schedule and complicated policy renewal procedure. And that’s why an increasing number of car insurance companies are coming up with simple and convenient policy renewal facilities. One such company is Universal Sompo. They have an easy and hassle-free online car insurance policy renewal system. We will discuss how you can renew your Universal Sompo Car Insurance policy in a few steps!

But before that, know what you will end up into if you fail to renew your car insurance policy within the stipulated time.

Things you will miss out on if you do not renew your Universal Sompo car insurance plan on time

Suppose you have missed the last date for your car insurance plan renewal. What are the losses that you will have to face in this situation? Here they are!

No coverage:

Once you fail to get your car insurance plan renewed on time, the policy gets lapsed. And thus you run out of coverage. In this situation, if any accident takes place, you will have to pay for every damage and expense from your own pocket. 

Loss of accumulated NCB:

If you have not raised any claim for the entire year, you are entitled to a No Claim Bonus. This NCB helps in reducing the premium. But in case you do not renew your car insurance plan on time, you lose all the accumulated NCBs. 

Increased premium:

Once the policy gets lapsed, you need to start everything all over. This requires a great deal of your precious time and also, your hard-earned money. Yes, you will be paying a higher premium for the same plan without getting any extra benefit now, just because you forgot to renew the policy on time.

How To Get Your Universal Sompo Car Insurance Policy Renewed?

So, now that you know the disadvantages of not renewing your car insurance policy on time, you must have checked your policy papers for the policy renewal date. Want to know how you can renew your Universal Sompo Car Insurance plan? Have a look!

  • Visit the official website of Universal Sompo General Insurance company.
  • At the top left, you will come across a tab that says “Renew.”
  • Choose the “Motor” option and click on it.
  • They will show multiple policy options such as private car, two-wheeler insurance, passenger-carrying vehicle and so on. Choose the option as per your policy and click on the “Renew now” option.
  • Enter your policy details, pay the premium and you’ll be done with the renewal process in no time.