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National Insurance Third-Party Car Policy

Anyone who owns a four-wheeled vehicle in India must have insurance, especially third-party auto insurance. Third-party insurance, often known as liability-only coverage, is a requirement for all cars. It gives a defense against the insured’s legal responsibility for a third party’s death, bodily injury, or property damage. Protection against third-party responsibility, including bodily harm and death, is provided by the National Third-Party Car Insurance.

Read on to know more about the National Third-Party Car Insurance Policy.

Features & Benefits of National Third-party Car Insurance

Here is the list of the features and benefits of National Third-Party car insurance.

Easy Purchase:

The policyholder can easily buy national third-party car insurance by visiting the nearby branch or through the broker.

Accident Coverage:

Car insurance coverage is beneficial if a third person perishes as a result of an accident that the covered vehicle caused.

Covers Third-Party Disability:

Accidental damage and third-party disability are covered by this third-party insurance coverage.

Quick Claim Settlement:

The processing of claims under this insurance plan is quicker.

Comprehensive Coverage:

It provides coverage for third-party property damages up to 7.5 lakh rupees in the event of an accident.

Personal Accident Cover:

The national insurance company’s third-party auto insurance also offers an additional personal accident benefit for the insured person of Rs 15 lakh.

Optional Accident Cover:

It also provides an additional Rs 2 lakh in optional accident coverage for additional passengers riding in the covered car.

What is Covered Under National Third-party Car Insurance?

The following are the items that the national third-party car insurance will cover:

  • Third-party legal obligations as a result of an accident.
  • Financial obligations resulting from an incident involving a third party.
  • Protection against bodily injury, death, or permanent incapacity to a third party.

How To Buy National Third-party Car Insurance?

These steps can be used to buy a National third-party car insurance policy:

  • Speak with National Insurance through broker or you can buy it via visiting their respective branches.
  • Obtain an insurance application and fill it out completely.
  • For any questions about the insurance policy, have them all answered.
  • Submit the required paperwork.
  • After paying the premium, the policyholder will get his/her car insurance coverage.

Claim Settlement Process of National Third-Party Car Insurance

After hearing the court’s decision, third-party auto insurance claims of the national car insurance are typically resolved. As a result, the procedure can take longer than usual. The following is a list of the claims process for this plan.

  • Prior to filing a claim, you must notify the company of the accident as soon as possible.
  • Following the company’s registration of your claim, you must notify the police and open a complaint.
  • After the court hearing, you will need to update the insurance company and give them the necessary paperwork.
  • You must send the correctly completed claim form along with the necessary paperwork, such as a copy of the FIR, a driver’s license, a registration certificate, etc.
  • The insurance provider will process the claim in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy after validating the papers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The driver will be required to pay a fine in such a situation. Therefore, purchasing insurance is usually recommended.

Because third-party insurance offers much less coverage than comprehensive insurance compared to the latter, it is less expensive.

Property damage to a third party is covered up to INR 7.5 lakh by a national third-party auto insurance policy. Contrarily, there is no predetermined coverage limit for third-party bodily injuries, disabilities, or deaths because the court determines the amount of compensation to be paid.

No, adding riders to the base policy is not allowed with third-party insurance.

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