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Car Insurance Plans

Vehicle registration number is required. Invalid registration number.Sample: DL-01-KY-3053
Previous Insurer is required.
Previous Policy Number is required.
Old quotation number is required. Invalid quotation number.Sample: PIBLMTRPC000000000000000

Tata AIG Car Insurance Renewal

Tata AIG Insurance Company is a performance-driven organization and regularly works on various initiatives to make things easier and convenient for its customers. That’s why it has made its car insurance renewal process consumer-friendly, consisting of only three steps. This process is so easy and seamless that a layman (in terms of internet usage) can do it without any hassle. So today, we are going to talk about each detail related to the car insurance renewal under this insurer. Have a look at the following mentions.

Detailed Car Insurance Renewal Process Of Tata AIG

To avail of a smooth car insurance renewal experience, follow the below step-by-step guide

  • Go to the official website of Tata AIG Insurance Company.
  • Then, select the ‘Car Insurance’ tab that is available on the homepage.
  • Two options will appear before you. Choose the ‘Renew’ option for the existing car insurance plan under the company.
  • Put the car registration number correctly in the right place that is insured under this insurer and submit it.
  • Provide any other information in the right place, if necessary.
  • The renewal amount will be displayed before you. Check the details and pay the amount by choosing any of the convenient methods of payment available with the insurer.
  • Upon successful payment, your renewal will be completed. You will receive a notification about the same in your registered mobile number and/or email ID.

Why Should You Renew Your Tata AIG Car Insurance Policy Online?

It would be always beneficial to renew a car policy online. To know the reasons, have a look at the below mentions.

Instant quote:

The moment you fill-up the renewal form with the necessary credentials, Tata AIG will show you the renewal amount for your chosen policy. It helps you to plan your budget according to that.

Paperless and less complex:

Once you choose the online method of renewing your car insurance policy, the entire process becomes very easy, without any complexities. Additionally, the paperless procedure helps you to lose the burden of handling piles of papers.


You can renew your Tata AIG car policy online at any time according to your pace. The process is pretty smooth, and also it saves time as you do not have to stand in a long queue during office hours.


With this insurer, at the time of renewal, you can include or exclude different add-on covers available with the company according to your needs.

Safe and secure process:

With Tata AIG, your personal details, payment details, and transaction details are safe. The company has taken some extra care and made the payment gateways secure with online security protocols to avoid any kind of risk or fraud.

Restoration of benefits:

Once you re4new your car policy, all the benefits and facilities that come with the policy get restored. If you fail to renew the policy on time, your car insurance plan will expire and you will be exposed to different types of risks and dangers, including the legal ones.

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